An afternoon and evening of printing and this is what the table looks like. But it feels heavenly and I promise, that dishpan full of dirty print equipment goes upstairs to the kitchen sink and gets washed. The rest of it has cleared off by the time I'm writing this.
I've been screening with paints and thickened dyes, which I will continue to do tomorrow, after I do an errand or two in the morning. I'm working on teaching samples and perfecting some new ideas for one of my future workshops. Writing things down so I remember what I have done is a bit tedious and slows me down - but otherwise I will never remember anything.
That horrible blue and lavender fabric is not one of my favorites - but it's perfect for printing. There was a discussion today on the QuiltArt list about hand-dyed fabrics and the prices they sell for. Lemme tell you - gorgeous hand-dyes are worth every penny. I know, because I can't make them - no matter how hard I try or how many instructions I follow. And art cloth (or whatever you want to call it) is so labor intensive that it is also worth what the artist is charging. Ask me how I know.
This is the first layer of thickened dyes, with a little gold paint added. We'll see where it goes.
Meantime, I have finished for the day and am going upstairs to wash the stuff in the dishpan and get ready for the next round.
Rayna - do you have an iPod or MP3 player? You can record your thoughts into it and then write it all out later on. And you could say alot more than you would put into notes.
Nope, I'm not that efficient. Somehow, I'll muddle through: the keyboard has been my natural habitat for 25 years and I LOVE writing as I am thinking. Can't think without that screen in front of me...
I think hand-dyed/painted/printed fabrics are worth it too because of the extra time and expense taken by the artist. I regularly buy from one of the ladies in my guild. I think I'll start creating more of my own too though.
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