Thursday, November 02, 2006

Surface Tension

Who is this woman and why is she smiling? It's Sandra Sider, juror of Surface Tension - the art exhibit opening we attended last night. Sandra is standing in front of her artwork but I've airbrushed it out because I forgot to ask her permission to post it on my blog. She is looking happy because the hard work of jurying and hanging is done! Who is this man and why is he not smiling when he is surrounded by a bevvy of artists?? Judy Langille, Rachel Cochran, and Diane Savona look pretty happy. I think he looks grouchy because he is tired of standing. There are never enough chairs at art exhibits.

There were lots of people at the opening - a number of the exhibitors, their friends, and people from the University. Afterwards, we went to dinner with Judith Plotner, her husband Stan, and two other couples whom we had not met before but who turned out to be delightful company. There is something to be said for midweek art openings -- they make you feel like it's already the weekend.

At any rate, our official weekend starts tomorrow. Marty and I are leaving in the morning to drive up to the Berkshires for a couple of days. We haven't been away for more than a year and I've been traveling so much we haven't had a lot of time together. Well, three hours in the car is a good start! I'll take my camera and my laptop and see what develops. Let's hope for good weather


:-D eirdre said...

Have a great trip - don't forget a hat and gloves!

Judy said...

Happy Anniversary Rayna and Marty!! Hope you have a wonderful time in the Berkshires.


soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...