Saturday, April 21, 2007

the kitchen sink

Tonight, for the first time in ages, I mixed up some dyes and went to work. Determined to create some brights, I gritted my teeth and did the best I could. Here they are wet, before I washed them. They look as though they wandered over onto the wrong blog.

I've run cold water over them to set the dye molecules (what do I know about molecules?) and now they are headed for the hot water and Synthrpol. As I am writing this, they are in the dryer. Monday morning, we are all heading to the studio and the print table - after an absence of two weeks. I can't wait to cover up all that brighness!

I finally did a little unpacking of the supply boxes. I have to give FedEx a pat on the back here: I sent my teaching supplies home 3 day express saver and they got here in 2 days. Anyway, it was interesting to look at the demo pieces I did in the workshop and contemplate what else I can do with them. Here is one. There was something else that flitted through my head but it's gone -- so I will call it a night and maybe I'll remember. Oh, yes!

Joanie San Chirico has already posted that I will be teaching at QSDS in June '08, so I figure I'd give you all a heads-up and mention it here. More fun!

Tomorrow, Marty and I are heading to the Upper West Side to have brunch with our friends. If it's a beautiful day, as today was, I'll try to get some pix of Sunday in NY.


Joyce said...

I totally love your brights but then, those are the kinds of colors I normally use. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

Nikki said...

Hey, your brights match the ones I just posted on my blog. You can send them over to play if you like. ;-)

PaMdora said...

ha ha, maybe they need to wander over to my blog. I am willing to provide a home for wayward brights!

Anonymous said...

Rayna, Love your fabrics and your workshop looks like loads of fun. Why are you making brights if you don't like them??? I'd be glad to give them a home if you want to put them up for "adoption", but looks like I'd have to get in line.

Rayna said...

Kathy - I used to make brights when I started dyeing. I actually do like them -- I just haven't used them in my work lately. Maybe I should take them on as a challenge. Challenges are always good for stretching...

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...