For the past couple of mornings, I have been walking the mile around the complex before the heat and NJ humidity became overwhelming. I really feel better after I walk, but it has been a difficult year in which to maintain a routine - or even the semblance of a routine.
This morning I took my little camera with me to see if anything struck my fancy enough to put it in my "muse" folder. I shot quite a few circles, and while they really don't excite me, I guess they have potential. Once you start looking, you can get crazy with the variety. Tip of the iceberg.
There were lots of pretty flowers but I still like my unkempt garden the best.
I fooled around in Photoshop to see what else I could get. But as inspiration, fleurs don't do it for me. Too pretty.
As I walked I thought about why we are attracted to certain lines and elements. For some people, nature is a great inspiration. Except for my woods, I don't find much inspiration in things that grow. But give me grit, graffiti, garbage and grids and I'm inspired. This is the first picture I took this morning - before I left on my walk - and it is still my favorite of the day.

I took this one after a rainstorm a few years ago - I do love it.
And I haven't the vaguest idea where I took this or what it is, but it is in the same category as the two above it. Look at the common elements.
The question is WHY these speak to me...and I have to think about the answer. There is a certain order and geometry in them; the light plays beautifully in each one, and the elements are simple and abstract. Interesting, since my work is neither orderly, geometric, simple, or abstract.
What is it that speaks to you? And more important, WHY?
Squares speak to me! Squares in grid form. Like this:
Melody's fruit/veggie commission
"An Artists' Journal"
And many others. But what I'm really digging about the 2 links (that I HOPE work) is the 3 dimensionality of them, one of the reasons why I've taken to wrapping my art quilts around stretcher bars. Right now I'm (amoung MANY other things) working on a piece that is 36 8" x 8" x 1.5" squares...sigh there are not enough hours in the day!
Anyway...the why is so much harder. I'm sitll working on that...but I have finally learned to listen and pay attention to when something zings. This is food for my blog! Thanks
- Candy
All those circles speak to me! While preparing for a presentation last week, I realized that every quilt I made since 2002 had circles in it. Most were attached somehow, but even the ones that didn't appear to have circles on the surface had circles quilted in. Why? I have no idea.
Like you, I'm wondering why I'm attracted to those broken diagonal lines. Especially when made by shadows. Maybe it's just because they're a "corner of the eye", fleeting glimpse into the subconscious - ? Have you seen a photo called "porch shadows" by Paul Strand (1916)?
I like the same images as you. I think it is the abstract quality, the repition of lines and shapes and the play of different lines with in a composition. It is also the seeing of something that really isn't concrete, a few minutes later it will be something else - if you know what I mean.
I love both circles and those rectangular lines/squares, shadows. I haven't used circles in my work for a while because I was seeing similar stuff all over the place. Not they were copying me, it was just a simultaneous expression. Now I'm into these lines and shapes and there seems to be an infinite variety of ways in which to use them!
I too share your interest in circles and grids. I also find labyrinths and spirals fascinating. I wonder if its images from youth, childhood, or even earlier? For example, when I see the pattern of light and shadow created on a floor by light passing through venetian blinds I have this little momentary flash of some other time. I don't know what or when I'm remembering or if it's a collection of things--but it's not bad stuff. My affinity for the gritty texture of cities goes back to my childhood. I know that for sure. Fascinating stuff.
Keep your camera with you and keep sharing your observations. It's inspirational. Is this perhaps the direction for the next book??
I am fond of things like rocks, leaves, shadow patterns... but geometric shapes are also very appealing. I am also a fan of taking pictures of things that I find interesting, then using them as inspiration for my work... I have enough ideas saved up to last a looooooooooooong time!
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