Thursday, April 30, 2009
between sneezes...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
gobble gobble

Monday, April 27, 2009
yesterday's news
I meant to post this last night. Glad you all enjoyed the Facebook You Tube (and if you didn't see it on yesterday's post, scroll back and hit the link -- we all need a laugh these days). It's a perfect replica of the kinds of instructional films they used to show us in school in he 50's. Not to be missed.
Monday morning, DH came home from the office not feeling well so the rest of the day was taken up mostly with doctors' visits. He went to work this morning and hopefully, he will feel better as the day goes on.
I never got to the studio yesterday, but - making lemonade from lemons - I actually cooked dinner since I was home. And I began to stitch a piece I have had sitting around here forever. Here is a bit with the stitching, which I am hoping does not show - LOL.
My ironing chair is in the back of the station wagon I didn't dony heavy duty ironing last night. But actually, ironing is very creative time for me because that is when I see new possibilities and new combinations. It's the best thing I can do to get new ideas for work.
Time to get this posted, albeit belatedly, and go to the studio. Tune in later.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009
early summer in NJ
The trees are still bare but that didn't prevent the temperature from soaring into the 80's today. Beautiful weather for walking, which is what I did this morning before it got too hot.. I had the a/c on in the car today, at least intermittently. But it is too early for that! Tomorrow is supposed to break a record for the date - but we'll see.
Yesterday I decided that my studio needs a makeover. I want a 4x8 surface for printing and just want the place to feel less cluttered, as it has slowly become in the 2 years I have been there.
So I headed for Home Depot to buy sawhorses and scout out whatever else I thought I would need. As I went through the lumber dep't it occurred to me that a piece of plywood would be too heavy for me to carry up all those stairs (no elevator, remember?) and then I'd have to put padding on top of it anyway. So my brilliant idea when I found a 48 sheet of foam insulation was to use that for a tabletop. You can pin right into it. How perfect is THAT? Well, we shall find out.
Today, after doing a few other errands and going to visit my mother, we went back to the HD near my studio and, to make a very long story short, brought the foam insulation back to the studio and up the stairs. I think I will need another horse to support the middle of the 8 foot piece of foam, so I will take care of that first thing tomorrow. The studio is a disaster area right now but I expect it will get better. I'll take pictures tomorrow.
Meanwhile, back at the house, I am filling a trash bag with hopeless things and starting to iron fabric. I am thinking of cutting it and packing up the pieces in little baggies for sale, but I'm not sure till I see what I have. More fabric than I will ever use in 30 lifetimes. Why do I keep printing more????? Rember this photo of the Aspens I took last week? I made it into a screen
and printed it on white fabric. It was too stark for me, so I overdyed it and then cut it up.
Here it is on my wall at home, cut up and reconstituted. It looks less ominous to me but I am not sure what I will end up doing with it.
Then, as I was going through the random pieces of fabric on my table, I ironed this one and turned it in all 4 directions. Here is how I stuck it on the wall
It was, I think, a workshop demo piece for printing with found objects and it looks industrial to me. I have to think about whether I should cut it up or whether it becomes part of another piece. Tomorrow, back to the studio to start reonfiguring and reorganizing.

And here is the orientation I prefer.

a blog that always gives me a hoot!
If you don't mind my saying so, it is clever and funny and literate and original. Go take a look at this blog: Funny Word of the Day.
I'll be back later if I can find anything nearly as interesting to say.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
can this fabric be saved?
Determined to get SOMETHING done today, I finally made it to the studio after lunch, red and green "face" fabric in hand. But by the time I got around to doing something, I had already done 10 other things - like dyeing some fabric and ironing. Ok - 2 other things.
While I was going through ONE bin of fabric, I came across this and had to put it up on my wall. A piece of Helene's hand dye that I bought some years ago and loved too much to cut into. Is that not ridiculous? Time to use it!
Are you surprised that I got sidetracked and decided instead to iron fabric in an attempt to make order out of chaos? And are you further surprised that the chaos looks worse at the moment, even with the neat pile of fabric on my table? Never mind; the photo of the neat pile came out fuzzy anyway.
I had some leftover thickened dyes in various colors, so I just put them all together and screened over the fabric pretty randomly. It looked black when it was dry.
Then I took it home and steamed it. Here I'm rinsing it in cold water before I wash it.
It has faded a bit, which is what I had hoped would happen. Now it looks like a mess, but at least I am distracted from the face. Tomorrow I will add/delete but not quite sure how or what I will do.
Here is another piece of fabric that has been through umpteen add/deletes and I am trying to decide what is next, if anything.
In the meantime, I shall go to sleep and contemplate my next steps. Perhaps I will know what to do next when I wake up.

a day off?

Monday, April 20, 2009
back to real life

Sunday, April 19, 2009
tired but happy
I'm home. The flight was fine and at least in First Class they fed us airline food. I am glad to be here - doing laundry at 11:30 pm.
Thanks for all your warm and caring comments!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
a bonus vacation day

the joys of travel

wrapping up
Today was my last day of teaching in Grand Junction and it was a lovely way to end the week. There was ample time to work/play with fabric and design, do critique, and even some sewing for those who wanted to stitch up their pieces.
I asked Lynn Mattingly if I could post her three pieces based on the photo she brought with her yesterday. She was happy to give permission, but I had to promise to post a picture of her wonderful skirt, which communicates the prevailing mood in the classroom.
Well, a bargain is a bargain, so here are her pieces. The idea was to use a photo as a jumping-off point but not to reproduce the picture. The black is the design wall, not a border.

Terry Lee looks serious here but she was having a great time experimenting with a series she is working on: today, in earth tones.
And Sandra Hoefner, who looked down just as I snapped the photo, is actually working on a piece that is on the wall behind her.
One of the things we did today was to "work from the fabric." translation: use a piece of fabric as a starting point and go from there. Since nobody could make a decision about which of their fabrics to start with, I tore a piece of mine into 8 pieces and gave them a starting point. Using someone else's choice of fabric, especially in a color you would normally never work in, is a great stretching exercise...and they all rose to the occasion. Everybody was very generous with their fabrics, auditioning with each other and sharing a piece that seemed just right for someone else's piece.
No pictures for another 3 weeks: they are all doing something different with the piece of cloth I gave them and they have promised to send me jpgs when they are done. I can't wait to see -- and I'll share the end results with you when I have them. In the meantime, I have my own challenge. Jeanette and I traded pieces of fabric and I need to do something with her piece, below.
Tomorrow morning Sandra is picking me up and we are stopping for a while at the AQuA meeting before she takes me to the GJ airport. Keep your fingers x'd that I won't get stranded in the Denver airport. There is supposedly a snowstorm there: in NJ it is 70 degrees and sunny. Grand Junction was 40 degrees and windy. Brrrrrrrrr.

Friday, April 17, 2009
no comments necessary
There's a lot of catching up to do so I don't get too far behind, so I'm frantically writing away.
Stay with me.
Maxine Buckholtz is a collage and mixed media/book artist who does not work in fabric.
This is more characteristic of her work - and yes, it's also on cloth.
Today - Thursday, we had seven in the class: an intimate group that lends itself to real conversation, interchange of ideas and lots of time to lay the verbal groundwork for individual work. One of the issues was finding one's own voice; a recurring theme on several of the Internet lists...and a real concern for a lot of people. Along with that, the idea of working in a series. We are tackling both in these two days.
We did a few warm-ups with small pieces done quickly and then a "what if?" critique for each person. The chemistry, respect, and trust was there from the beginning and everybody focused on doing another permutation that took into consideration some of the feedback they had gotten. By the end of the day, Lynn had completed a triptich that evolved from a photo she brought with her. Terry had done a small study and a larger variation on a theme she has wanted to follow for quite a while. And everybody else was well on the way to somewhere they might not have expected to go. Pictures when I get permission.
After a too-large Mexican meal, Jane and I went out for a walk around the neighborhood. If you know me, you also know that I was ecstatic and that my inspiration folder is full.

Beverly Hart with the fabric she was working on in yesterday's post.

Jeanette Davis' transformed light brown commercial fabric. This is one I wish I could claim I had printed.

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