Monday, April 20, 2009

back to real life

After getting home after 11:00 last night, I stayed up till 1:30 (right-coast time) to finish a book I had bought in the Denver airport yesterday. Well written, a fascinating cultural glimpse and a mystery all rolled into one. I highly recommend it. I love when I can't put a book down. Despite having Time Zone Brain, I managed to drag myself out of the house a little after 8 this morning to catch a ride with Rachel Cochran to Joanie's for our Studio Six meeting. Although we are 12, there were only 6 of us today. Diane Savona is in Japan, Kerr Grabowski is on the road teaching, and life interfered with art for everybody else. Nevertheless, we had a pleasant meeting. Below, Joanie & Lisa are holding up the silk and paper collage that Lisa made so we can see the light coming through it. Yummy. As usual, Rachel brought a couple of in-process compositions that she is working on and wanted feedback. Everybody but me had something to say: I was too tired. I am resting from feedback today and anyway, I was busy un-picking the last few stitches from a piece I printed, layered, and stitched probably a year ago. I was never able to make it work - especially after my dear husband looked at it and said "Oh, I see a face. Look -- two eyes, a nose, a mouth!" That was It. I turned it upside down and sideways and the damn face kept staring back at me. I should probably have given it some weird name and left it alone - but instead, I am going to overprint or slice it up and reconstitute it: or both. What would YOU do?? It is midnight, the thunderstorm is over (did I mention that it is 35 degrees and pouring rain here?) and I plan to sleep late and then go to the studio tomorrow. What a thought!


Gerrie said...

I see the face! Ha! I would overprint it or collage something on top.

Debbie said...

What's wrong with the face? I would leave it and build on/around it to make it more interesting.

Terry Grant said...

Yep, I saw the face even before I read that it was there. Me--I'd cut tiny pieces out of it to use in something else, but I don't think you work that way!

Unknown said...

You could try overprinting and slicing up your unhelpful husband and leave the fabric as it is.

Diane Cransac said...

maybe slice it into three pieces, mix and then rejoin it? Sometimes something like that can make you look at a piece in a whole new way...

Rayna said...

I may do all of the above. LOL.

Regina Dwarkasing said...


the very first answer I got from 'above'of from my heart was: black, or dark, blue or dark purple, and to balance out the circular effect: a kind of irregular grid, maybe double crosses, uneven in length and put over each other in uneven distances, you get the idea? That's what I would do! But knowing you a little tells me this is too detailed... we will wait and see, you will probably astonish us all again!

St. Maarten DWI

Fulvia said...

I vote for overprinting -- what a stretch, eh?! I look forward to seeing what's next.

Russ Little said...

I didn't see the face until I read your comment, but I vote for leaving it. Go ahead and build a figurative composition--then slice it up. Half or 3/4 of a face is more interesting than the whole thing.

Eva said...

I guess we should be easy about faces in abstract art. They are like a nervous tic, they come back if you try to force them out, but relax when you relax.

Eva said...

Instead of the nose, I see a sitting Buddha. Perhaps he will relax the whole thing.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...