I managed to catch Ben(l.) and Josh(r.) while they were contemplating the menu. David and Jake were more elusive and it was too crowded to pose with everyone. Next week they are all leaving for Orlando so they can be present at the shuttle lift-off. My son-in-law Mike's friend is an astronaut and invited them to see him blast off into space.

And here is Emma, admiring herself in the mirror. What's not to admire?
I was going to work tonight but to tell you the truth, all that Mother's Day traffic wore me out and I am going to pick up where I left off reading Shanghai Girls, by Lisa See. There is no substitute for a well-written book.
I love the 4 generation picture. I think you are just a little bit crazy about that baby--but why not?! She is completely adorable. Happy mothers/grandmothers/daughters Day!
I agree,Miss Emma is adorable! Your family is fortunate to have four generations living. Save for some aunts on both sides of my family, I am the elder statesman.
Happy Mother's Day!
What a wonderful picture of the four generations. How nice for all of you to be able to be together.
Happy Mother's Day!
They are all beautiful, but the four generations' portrait is legendary. Too late to wish a nice mother's day, I say: happy mothers' years!
A good book will keep you in good stead:)
Great pictures of your family so thank you.
That is a wonderful four-generation photo. Happy Mother's Day plus one.
Little Emma represents her generation well! Those chubby little legs invite squeezing :) She'll be up and running on them before her Mama knows it!
Happy Mother's Day to all. We used to tell my Grandmama (from Georgia) that "she started it all; it was all her fault!"
Suzanne Gwynne
-lurker and student at LQuilt, love your book and hopefully will meet you in person one day
I'm looking forward to a 4 generations picture myself (My daughter's pregnant!). These photos are priceless
I love the one of your mom cooing at Emma who is watching her intently, apparently understanding every word.
What a cute happy baby! The boys are bad either. It's so great that you have 4 generations alive and well.
I can't believe how big Emma has gotten! She looks like a happy baby. :D
Gosh, you can see the genes being passed down through the generations! True it's a bit early to tell with the baby, but you all have a strong family resemblance. Happy Mothers Day.
The 4 generational photo warms my heart. My parents have 15 great-grand children and we have been brainstorming how to get them all together for a photo.
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