I had only one cupcake(pistachio!! ) -- see the empty space on the bottom tier?
and 5 or 6 of her handmade chocolates, but they were all amazing.

I combined my visit to Jen's opening with a stop at my studio to pick up a brayer (where have mine all gone???) to pack for Bloomington, IN, where I am going on Tuesday to teach.
Stay tuned for the block challenge results in the next post.
i think i gained 10 lbs looking at the images in this post!
Jen says she'll be happy to donate leftovers to our upstairs studio when she has them. Uh oh.
Oh my goodness. There went my low carb diet!
I would have absolutely zero willpower in the face of all that. I'm a baking/desert addict. And proud of it! :)
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