SPEAKING of clearing the clutter (none of which is in the kitchen these days) Judy Carpenter has been on my case to post pix (is that a non-sequitor?) If you don't care, please feel free to skip to the next topic. Ok Judy - here is the quick look at today's progress.

I got my thin envelope from Visions yesterday. No big surprise and I am in excellent company.
Today I spent part of the day dividing 50 lbs of soy wax into little baggies; my contractor thought they were either soap flakes or drugs. I got through about 35 lbs before I quit. Tonight, I go back to ironing and sorting. Tomorrow, I have to mix up alginate paste and other things and pack some boxes. Oh, and Jay the soapstone guy is coming to install most of my counters. I had better get a good night's sleep.
thin too!
Hope you get your email back -- kitchens looking great!
Never found the e-mails but oh well.
I will be so glad to get my kitchen back (end of the month, if lucky). Tired of nuked frozen food and - gasp!- restaurant meals. Thanks!
Thanks Rayna! Love the way it is all coming together.
Kitchen looks outstanding! Sorry to hear about the e-mail. My solution to most computer problems these days is "Macintosh." I haven't called my computer a dirty name since I switched.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Wish I was taking the workshop. It's probably better that I'm not. I really can't fit anything else into my schedule just now...but look at who I'm complaining to!
I keep watching the kitchen remodeling, with recent memories of doing the same thing. The one day when you were snowed in, with no kitchen, sounded awful. Having just been through it all, I know how often I gave in to all the stress of everything out of place, no kitchen, and bad weather, and just went out to eat. But you couldn't do that. You got through, and that's what counts. The kitchen is looking awesome! It will be worth it. My studio looked much like yours, with half the kitchen in there. I carved out a small place to work. It simply was necessary. When everything is back in it's place, it's wonderful! Best wishes, Rosemary
I agree with Russ - go Mac!! Got a thin one, too, and I am in good company!!
MAC - maybe when this one runs out.
I had an Apple IIe in 1982. Where has the time gone?
Wow, your kitchen is looking great! When I was planning the layout of mine one of the things I was really looking at in other kitchens and photos was whether layouts were symmetrical or not. Most are not. I think it is impossible to be both symmetrical and functional at the same time. Funny the things you obsess over that were not noticed or taken for granted before. The ice machine sounds like a real luxury. I am happy to have ice in the refrigerator door for the first time! In my current kitchen we would have had to run the plumbing around two walls and through the cabinets so we never had a frig with ice and water. I feel like our forebears who got running water inside the house for the first time! It has been a luxury to live in one house while remodeling the other. Living without a kitchen sounds like a pain. I love seeing the photos.
I feel for you Rayna - I'd go ballistic if mine did that...
Did you know that there is a programme you can buy (fairly cheap I think) called Express Assist which backs up your email settings, emails, favourites and stuff like that for you. If you use Outlook Express, anyway.
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