That's enoughfor now. I had better get back to real life and the chores at hand.
For those of you who asked, Jan Myers-Newbury does not have a website and I don't know her e-mail address, so I would think the best way to contact her if you want to book her for a workshop is to contact the Pittsburgh Fiber Arts Guild and have them forward your message to her. I think their website has her schedule listed if you want to take a workshop with her.
Don't forget to check Gloria's blog for more great pictures.
Oh, shoot. Now I want to go make shibori. It will just have to wait until January.
Love, love, the first piece - looks like trees.
Simply Fabulous, Rayna!
WOW! The second last one is just amazing. Love them all.
Rayna, these are fab! Oh, for more hours in the day to play with all these wonderful techniques.
That's something I've always wanted to do. Your pieces came out great!
well this should teach me to go looking for something before i finish reading...just spent a few precious minutes looking for Jan's website and when it proved futile, i popped back over here thinking maybe there was a link in a previous post :)
was taking the stitches out a pain in the a**? if not, what did you do...i tried shibori once but had the darndest time getting the threads out!
So many different results but all are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
I never thought I'd be interested in shibori but this may change my mind.
Yes, taking the stitches out was a pain - and so was putting them in, which is why I will not do stitched shibori ever again. All of my pieces (except for the ones we HAD to do for homework and are not on the blog) were wrapped/tied or clamped.
Great pieces Rayna, & thanks for the link to Gloria's. Beautiful. Looks like a great class.
I enjoyed your Fiber & Stitch article too!
For those of you who wish to take classes with Jan, you can. Go to nancycrow.com and look for her classes.
I have been to the barn and loved the entire experience. In fact,I am returning next April.
Lovely serendipitous fabric, can't wait to see what you do with it. Maybe we'll get to admire and fondle some of it in Grand Junction next April??
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see how you use them too (I'd be afraid to cut them up!)
Oh Rayna.......that red violet and tangerine piece is incredible!!! But then, I love them all, but you can just send me the aforementioned red violet & tangerine!
Rayna, thanks for such great coverage and for Gloria's blog link too. You now how much I wanted to partake, I'm drooling and GREEN with envy. Absolutely GORGEOUS fabrics. Debbie Bein
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