Saturday, February 28, 2009

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soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

Welcome to the New Jersey stop on the American Made Brand blog tour! Be sure to leave a comment -- you could win a pack of beautiful solid...
You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...
Ummmmmm-"Life Sentence"?
It seems like they are searching, seeking, or longing for something that is near the viewer, but hindered by something (fence, bars?). So my suggestion is "Seeking More". I find this piece very moving, so well done!
To me it looks like the way memories fade, a bit at a time...no matter how much you try to keep the past alive.
"What was behind the iron curtain?"
"Behind the Curtain".........they are locked up. Either forever locked in your memory like that or as Eva said behind the iron curtain, or as Terry said sentenced to life in that horrid place. To me, it is a very sad piece...I want to grab them up and get them out of there!
Glad you got your new car, and I can't wait to hear how it handles in the forecasted inclement weather. We are supposed to have snow today too! YIKES!!!
My idea is not precise insofar as the sad and traumatic events happened before 1945.
I can't top the names already suggested, so I will address the post mark issue: does your post office have a lobby where you can weigh the piece and buy postage at a machine? If so, you can get your postage... and there are really people behind the closed doors who I believe work on the weekends. At least I have seen and heard some when I go in there, and they have pick up times for the weekend. Chances are, you will get your postmark if you get it in there today!
Can't wait to hear how you like the Outback. I have thought of that as a replacement for one of our two antique cars!
Imprisioned or Captives or Caged would be the titles I would suggest. I think a short title to relate to the stark statement the image conveys would be best.
I don't have an actual name for this piece, but the first vibe I got off of it was "Holocaust survivors". Don't know why, since the people look very "American Gothic" - maybe it's the weight of the blacks & greys.
To me it looks as if I was on the wrong side of the grille; I suggest "Waiting"
Why did I think they were trapped in a marriage? I am usually on the holocaust wavelength.
Anyway, if your piece is not accepted because of the date, I am sure you will find that it was because there is a pressing need for it to be somewhere else that you haven't found out about yet.
I had that happen with I piece I realised would not get out on the day it was meant to. It went to a new sewing show in Europe instead.
Sandy in the UK
I like the piece. It's strong. I think the people are your grandparents, right? The strong vertical lines are giving me the same "behind bars" vibe that others seem to be picking up on. But, the smokey, inky gray palette is making me think of the word, "Indelible". I'm thinking of the indelible marks that the events of our lives leave on us, and perhaps the way those marks appear as shadows in the lives of future generations.
Actually, I think I like "Behind Bars" or "Silenced". I need help with one too on my blog. Names usually come quickly to me, but not this time.
Rayna, This piece speaks to me of "imprisonment", bars, intended to silence people into submission.
I'll answer in my next blog post.
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