is good to be home. Three weeks is a long time to be away from my own bed, kitchen, and sewing room. While I had a wonderful time both teaching and playing, and despite the shopping bag full of 3 weeks' mail awaits me, I'm content to be here.
No, this is not my home. But just so you know that South Florida has not escaped the McMansion Syndrome, I had to take a picture of this thing that replaced a lovely, mid-size (but eminently liveable) '60's house. I imagine that two people who don't talk to each other live here and now they can't afford to have separate abodes so they will each wander their separate hallways until the cows come home and the economy soars.
A day in the Palm Beaches
Wednesday, I returned my car to the Palm Beach airport. Afterwards, we headed for the Norton Museum of Art. The last time I was there was in July 2006 with the lovely and talented Jane Steinberg. The special exhibit this time was a well curated show of works by Georgia O'Keefe and Ansel Adams, comparing their approaches to nature - and sometimes, of the same scene. We all felt that Ansel Adams was, hands down, the more interesting of the two.
The Norton has a wonderful permanent collection of 20th century American and European art and they rotate the work so there were many pieces on exhibit this time that were not there 2-1/2 years ago. What a joy! If you are ever near West Palm Beach, don't miss this gem of a museum.
We had lunch at the museum and I thought what I ordered sounded/tasted familiar. I, who am rarely consistent, evidently ordered the same thing from the menu last time.

(why have they not changed their menu in 2-1/2 years?) It was just as artfully presented and delicious as the previous time - but it still weirded me out to discover this.

I had to get a picture of these wonderful banyan tree roots outside of the museum. I always picture the Little Prince's Boabab tree looking like this. Maybe they are the same.
Shopping on Worth Avenue
Despite this being the height of the season, Palm Beach's elegant shopping street was, unsurprisingly, empty.
So were the beautiful alleyways and courtyards filled with little boutiques. Here is the scene outside of Victor's Café, where we stopped to rest our feet and have a cold drink.
Saks, where we stopped to make a purchase so they would give us parking vouchers, was a bit busier - but everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) was on sale...including cosmetics if you bought over a certain dollar amount. Cosmetics are always exempt from department store sales, which goes to show you how things are.
Shopping at the Flea Market
The famous Sample Road Flea Market was not much better. Last time I was there, in May 2004, you could not move in the aisles and there were bargains galore. Thursday, dead. There are still some bargains to be had, but quite a few booths that had been there for years were shuttered or empty. I had to take a picture of this lineup at one large booth. If you are from South Florida, you will know what they are.
My cousin Nancy, from Los Angeles, and I, were quite speechless at lunchtime as we sat in the food court. At the next table were two stunning Palm Beach blondes, well put together, eating lunch with their strollers next to them, feeding the occupants.

That was enough for me! Time to get home and back to reality. So here I am, having come in last night and spent the day doing laundry, grocery shopping, and visiting my mother. Tomorrow, crit group meeting and I have nothing to show. It's ok: I'll just watch.
I think Florida tends to be the wierdest place in the world. I have suggested that we just saw it off at the narrow part and let it drift out to sea and become just another Caribbean Island. This has not endeared me to some folks, but I think the idea has merit.
Rayna, if I had known you were this close to my house, I would have happily given you a tour of my little abode.
I work at a store in Roosevelt field NY and it always freaks me our a little when people come in with the doggie strollers.I love the Little Prince tree!
You got me - I really thought they were baby strollers until I scrolled down. Thats just ridiculous... although maybe slightly better than keeping your dog in your handbag!
How nice to hear from you again. And read your report about this strange ambiente. I've been missing your postings!
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