Friday, December 24, 2010

will somebody please tell me

how it is possible for me to go from two card readers to none in 60 seconds?  Well, ok - one disappeared a while ago.  But the ONE I still had (and used at 4:00 this afternoon to upload pix to this computer) has vanished. Vamoosed. Gonzo'd.

 I looked everywhere that made sense and a few places that didn't.
Under the ottoman.
 On top of the trunk, where it was before I used it.
  The garbage. The kitchen. The powder room. The bookcase.
The plastic bag with all the cords. 
The sewing machine. 
The cutting table. (well, it is -- in theory)

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Gornisht.

Then I spent 2 hours reading USB hub reviews - I need a GOOD one with 7 ports - anybody have a recommendation?

So tomorrow, I will buy another card reader and then find the missing one.  Par for the course.  I have duplicates of many things --  no wonder this place is such a mess.  I told Marty that it looks like we'll be going to a dementia unit together.  You can say "isn't it sad about Rayna? I knew her when she still had all her marbles." (and her card readers).  If I find either my marbles or my card reader, I will let you know.

This afternoon we had our first-ever studio holiday get-together with the artists in the studio across the hall.  Among other things, I brought this homemade (ahem) nut brittle. I made this Wed. night on the spur of the moment, motivated by Harold McGee's article in the NY Times Wednesday Food Section (where else?) on how to make candy in the microwave.
Marty is eating his way through what didn't get eaten today and I have to admit I am doing my part.  It is shamefully easy to make and really good - although next time I would probably use salted nuts, despite the fact that the recipe called for raw ones.  Unprepared as I was for this last-minute candymaking fest, I threw in what I had: walnuts, a few almonds, and a pile of pumpkin seeds I had forgotten I had.

When I was in the studio I looked for my cirlcle-cutting gizmo from Olfa. Of course, I found it at home while I was looking for the other thing.  But I can't find the instructions on how to use it and since I only used it once about 6 months ago, I have no clue. So now I have to go to the Olfa site and see if I can find what I need to know.

I also brought in a quilt that needs cropping, because I have room there to measure and cut it.  AND I took pictures of 3 things hanging on my wall there that are being curated into an exhibit, along with a few other pieces of mine. This is one of them.

Jessica's blog post for was picked up by a website in the Netherlands and translated into Dutch. How cool is that?? So, for all my readers in the Netherlands -- here are some great time-managment tips, for the studio or for the office.

And she made her Cycle for Survival goal, with the help of several of my faithful and generous readers.
THANK YOU!!! On behalf of Jessica and Jennifer Goodman Linn, whose soft-tissue sarcoma is one of the rare cancers that need funding for research.  Jessica will be cycling next Sunday, i think.

Tommy, Emma, and Jessica are in Wisconsin visiting Tommy's family for the holidays.  Tommy's mother and the rest of the family are all in heaven with Emma there; they haven't seen her since the summer. Father-daughter contentment.
 And this is my favorite Mr. Magoo face - makes me laugh, every time!
Just one more thing and then, since it is already Dec. 24 I had better wrap this up and go to bed.  I got this wonderful gift from Gjeneve Hopkinson, who took my class in Grand Junction last time I was there.
I'll be back there teaching in July and can't wait!  This time, at least, I won't get stuck in a snowstorm.
It's a book mark and I  used it yesterday to keep my place while I was reading Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore.  A very good book - beautifully written - about love and loss on a lot of levels.  Thanks Gjeneve!  Merry Christmas, everyone.


Gerrie said...

This post made me laugh tonight and I wish you lived next door to me. I was going to try the microwave candy. Thanks for the reminder.

Liz said...

My laptop has a card reader built in - it's wonderful!! That nut brittle looks absolutely yummy!

Happy holidays, Rayna!

wlstarn said...

If/when we ever move we will find:
1. thermometers. Why is it that you can never find them when you need them? Often the quest ends with a trip to the store.
2. catnip mice. The humans are not responsible for losing those, but there must be a dozen in this house somewhere.

I did find the missing egg turner recently in the wrong drawer under all the measuring spoons, so hope springs eternal that other items may one day return from the land of the lost.

Jessica K said...

First, I want the recipe for that nut brittle thing - it looks amazing. (Oh, wait...maybe I don't want the recipe.) Second, thanks for the Dutch shout out on my blog post. Third, I'm cycling on 1/ Sun I will be resting before going back to work after 12 days off!

Del said...

I don't know where things disappear to - at least you could blame it on your husband, I live in this house alone! So, if something is missing only I could have lost it. I try to put the waste baskets UNDER a table or chair so that nothing will fall into them by accident. But things still disappear.
Your "secret word" today is going to be my newest curse "Bleasto" - say it emphatically!

queenopearls said...

Good morning,
Can't help you with the card reader, even with one on my computer I use a usb cable so I don't lose the.. um... card.
Here's a link to Newegg and a Rosewill (good brand, grand reviews) 7 port hub for $20:
Jessica's article is timely (ahem) and useful, thank her for me please.
Congratulations to all for meeting the Cycle for Survival goal.
Love the photos of Daddy/daughter and Mr. Magoo face girl. :)
You know you will find your card reader as soon as you give up on it or purchase a new one.
Good times!

elljay said...

Rayna, Your blog is amazing and hope you will print it out and have copies bound for family members. No joke.
A single sentence can quietly carom off the walls with poignancy, good sense and wit. Thanks.
Also - lost in my house - definitely catnip mice. I think they're organizing themselves into a regiment someplace.

Linda Jacks

Eva said...

Your reason for having a mess is very familiar to me!! I also tend to remembering that I have to buy item x, bot forget that I bought it already. To my husband's despair.
Emma is wonderful.

Leslie Tucker Jenison said...

Wait! That's YOUR "cutting" table? I was certain it was mine....looks just like it!

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...