>o rayna, don't fight it...your art couldn't be made in a neat zone anyway...just do what you do best....;-)
Oh, Claive, I am hoping to prove you wrong - LOL. Last night, after hours and hours and a big, full trash bag, this is what my downstairs print alcove - uh - I mean, studio, looked like. For how long, I don't know -but at least I can use the table. Tomorrow, moving into the primary studio - but I will do my dyeing here and I don't want to be out at night or drive in icy conditions - so this is a good backup.Rachel Cochran and I spent the morning at Home Depot. I bought 12' of pink insulation board, which the handyman needs to screw into the wall so I can cover it with white felt and use it. Pink is not my color...but it was very handy for Rachel to pin her newest pieces up in good light so I could see them today. Then we went to lunch at a yummy Thai restaurant. It is 8 degrees here - and 8 below with wind chill. Just as I was getting into the car to come home, I looked down and had to grab my camera to shoot these pictures of the street.the white is salt residue, I think.I need some fabric that looks like these. Aren't they wonderful??Now I have to go finish frying onions for tonight's dinner: quiche. And tonight, I have to finish packing for tomorrow's move.
dang woman! even ms closet will be impressed with that!
i stand corrected...(at least for a week or so ;-)
Yeah, a week about does it. Ms. Closet has seen this before, and she is of the same opinion as you.
If it makes a week, it's good.
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