I think my life may be taking on some sort of structure - although that is certainly a work in progress! I find that mornings are reserved for annoying things like paying my mother's bills, going to the bank, and other miscellaneous but essential errands. Late afternoon - hospital visit to deal with my mother's vicissitudes, into which I will not go.
In between, I am in the studio for a few precious afternoon hours ...and it is paradise. Paradise with cold running water, but nothing is perfect. Yesterday, it was so sunny and delicious that several hours had elapsed before I realized I still had my sunglasses on. Oops! No wonder people were looking at me funny. Today, it was grey and the studio was not as warm as it has been - but I kept drinking tea and it was fine.
"What?", you may ask, is that picture to the left? Looks like a carpet. That's because it IS a carpet. Here's the story. I came in today to find my next door neighbor setting up her studio. She had put down a beautiful kilim carpet on her side of the room and, gasping with pleasure, I said "where did you get that? I need a rug for my studio." She had this one rolled up and because she didn't have room for two of them in this studio space, she offered it to me at a ridiculously low price, considering that is is a wool 9'x12' kilim -- exactly what I needed. I just didn't know it till I saw it. She smiled and said it would go with my red shelves. Ignore the keystoning and picture that this takes up the front half of my side of the studio. Ahead of you is the future design wall, and the long wall on the right will be reserved for open studio exhibits. I'll do my printing and make a mess in the half where I am standing to take this picture -- the section near the windows. This will be the cozy part of the studio. Yay -- a perfect place for my wicker chair. I am so happy. But I can't figure out how I am moving so much out and there is still so much stuff remaining in the house. Never did find my CF card. Gremlins.

Today, I also discovered an Indian grocery store nearby where I stocked up on ginger, black cardomom pods, asafoetedita, cilantro, hot peppers, graham flour, curry leaves, and papadums. Then I picked up lunch at the Caribbean health food store and got to work with paints and screens. It is very quiet there and I think I'll have to pick up a portable CD player so I can have my chamber music softly playing when I am there alone. Snow is predicted for later tonight and I hope it is not too bad; I would hate not to go to work tomorrow. I am thinking I should just refer to it as the office.
I'm so glad that worked out with the rugs!
Me too! Thanks, Claire! Now if I can only keep from messing it up.
(it was Claire's rug).
How classy. It lends a lot of warmth to the industrial space. I wouldn't dare put a wool rug in my studio!! I hope it is for a more cozy, tea time corner and not near the paint and dye area!!
you are one brave woman!
it's gorgeous. your space is really takign shape isn't it? ENJOY!
Love it! You're doing a great job kiddo.
Love the carpet, it compliments the room!
So, when is the first open house??
Diane in PA
I'll let you know.
The craving for red is being answered in the most gorgeous way! Wow!
Beautiful Rayna. I think your space is just shaping up beautifully! Think big bowl of red pepper, big dish of cinnamon sticks. a lovely red lantern -- all of these coming to you from my imagination! susie
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