No big deal to a lot of you out there, but to me, this is major! Pam Morris did me the supreme favor of selling me her beautiful 6500 and it arrived last night. I have been thinking about a new/used machine for many moons and was debating between this one or a Bernina 1230 or 1260. Meanwhile, this beauty fell into my lap, so to speak (the miracles bracelet my daughter gave me for my b.d. is apparently still working). Decision made.
I haven't the vaguest idea how to use a computerized machine -- but if I go to the studio early and come home early, maybe I'll have time to sit with it and read the manual. I am taking my Viking 210 (a BASIC but good machine) to the studio, just in case --- and it is lightweight enough to schlepp up all those stairs. SO - off I go to make breakfast and lunch and load up my car so I can get outa here sometime in the next hour. Later.
Hi Rayna,
great miracle! I have a 6500 if you have questions. There is a group on yahoo as well-and probably many others. I was a memeber of theyahoo group for a while but there was so much mail-but there is a mother lode of info in theri files..
The 6500 will almost sew by itself--just plug it in and sew! I find it a very user friendly machine and as Martha said, there is a LOT of info out there. Just ask.
Diane in PA
Thanks, Martha and Diane. Got the machine threaded and now need to get to work!
It looks gorgeous up there in NJ. This baby could not have a better home. Cannot wait to see what you make with it!
Hey Rayna-- Just caught up with your blog and its so great to see your new machine. You have obviously done some research that I am avoiding. I know I want to put a new/used sewing machine on my list -- I dont need it to do anything fancier than a zigzag, straight stitch but want those modern self-threading of course to machine quilt. Any way, if you ever have time to share your opinions I would be greatful. Susie
PS As usual, I love reading your blog.
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