In the meantime, I continue to print fabric, which makes me happier than almost anything else I do. What is it that makes you the happiest of all the things you do? And why?
When I was doing career transition counseling, I learned to ask my clients not only what they liked/disliked about their previous jobs, but what it was about those things that specifically made them happy/unhappy. It's amazing what you can learn about yourself when you ask/answer that question. My favorite part of the job when I was director of sales promotion for a magazine, was working with the graphic designers and printers. What was it I loved about it? Color splitting -- that is, deciding what Pantone colors to use - and where to use them in the printed materials. Color and printing still make me happy -- but in a very different form. This fabric...
became this after a few deletions, additions, and corrections.
And the one below also used to look different. Printed another layer, then discharged. It is getting there (wherever there is).

While you were lusting after the expensive faucet I wasn't thinking enough about the quality aspects of faucets and was about to settle for something cheap at HD. You've made me take a second look! No, I'm not going for the $1000 model either, but following some promising leads on eBay. Amazing what's out there.
BTW, loved the photo of you and your family. Good looking bunch.
I like how you changed the fabric, nice photo of your family too,
I bet you were a wonderful career counselor too ! I LOVE the new fabrics - and the facet is nice too !
I'm waiting for the kitchen fairy godmother to visit my house. I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, we're filling up boxes with books to donate in the hopes the house will look bigger, ha, ha.
I'm also noticing some similarities between our Newark fabrics. Hmmm. More dye and discharge?
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