Yesterday was another day spent doing the chores of life: paying bills, running errands; spending 3 hours helping my mother shop for clothes, which have a way of disappearing when you live in one of those places.But the day before, I had spent a joyful day puttering in the studio, going back into some of the cloth I had too much of and changing the surface one again. I tore this fabric in half; kept a piece and went to work on the other half. Don't ask me what I did, but here is how it turned out after a few more layers. Today, back to the studio! Rachel Cochran is coming over to play and will no doubt be working again on her red blob piece. It will be fun to have company and I think that one day Rachel and I should collaborate on a piece of fabric and see what happens - oops.
Well, what ever you did, I love it. I think you just don't want to share some of your trade secrets!! :-)
As an aside, as a non-blogspot blogger, I am very upset with the chane they have made to comments. I now have to have a blogspot or google account to leave a comment or else be anonymous.
Well, what ever you did, I love it. I think you just don't want to share some of your trade secrets!! :-)
As an aside, as a non-blogspot blogger, I am very upset with the chane they have made to comments. I now have to have a blogspot or google account to leave a comment or else be anonymous.
I love your layers, Rayna!!
And I agree with Gerrie - what is a real pain is that Google never seems to recognise me from one site to the next..
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