Time zones are funny things. I was not in Portland long enough to accomodate and was still going to sleep at 9:30 and getting up at 3:30 or some such weird schedule. Now, it is almost 9:pm and I am ready to go to sleep in NJ. Will I wake up at 3:am?
Tomorrow, I will go through all my paperwork and sort the cards I collected so I can follow up with people i promised to contact. Tonight, just resting feet after all those convention center miles on concrete floors.
Glad to hear that the Portland trip was both fun and productive, but getting back home after a trip that intense can be a truly wonderful thing.
Sorry to hear about Marty's vision problem. It must be very troubling for him. Give him my best. I hope things get better soon.
You remind me of Craig when he used to fly to Tokyo every week: he never quite knew where is body was!
Your garden is beautiful. I would think it would be a real challenge to keep a postage stamp sized garden under control, especially the way I operate!
Hope things are going well with Marty. I cannot imagine losing sight, and I'm sure he is so glad that you are back home with him. Do keep us posted on his progress.
You both are in our thoughts.
Please send my best to Marty. When anything is wrong with our eyes it seems to be extra ordinarily more frightening than any other parts of our bodies!
I was thinking of you today as our bird seed feeder went off and I watched a flock of turkeys come running like a breakfast gong had gone off. You are welcome to send all your turkeys to Westport!
:-D eirdre
Thanks, guys.
Russ - Portland was great - what a beautiful place; I hope to get back there sometime and have time to explore. I'll keep you posted.
Deirdre - I would be happy to send the turkeys to you - LOL. I'll be at Country Quilter in Somers, NY at the end of July teaching gelatin printing and signing my book. Maybe you'll stop by and say hi - it would be great to see you!
Judy - it's a shade garden and I just keep planting perennials since I have a black thumb. It gets very overgrown and wild; I do not attempt to keep it under control: can you picture me with a manicured garden????
Glad you made it home OK. I hope things go well for your husband. I forgot to tell you that June said her husband Jerry had a detached retina and had a very good outcome after surgery. Let's hope this is the norm.
So fun meeting you. I am going to work on CSG to book you for a workshop here!
Hi Rayna,
I am thinking of you and Marty...sending healing energy.
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