There was a big article in the paper today about how they are hanging around, chomping in the garden, eating from bird feeders, and chasing people around, barking and biting and threatening. They are extremely aggressive and think that humans are below them in the pecking order, so they come after you and expect you to do their bidding. Yell and swat at them with a oom and they will go away and leave you alone. Ever since some do-gooder re-introduced them to NJ, they have multiplied like rabbits and instead of remaining in wild habitats, have moved to the burbs. I counted 16 of them outside the door a few weeks ago. They are scary.
On another subject, I am done.

I just finished sewing down the facing on a piece I need to take to Quilt Market with me, so that's another thing to cross off the list (if I had a list, which I don't). Maybe I should write a list, starting with the things that are already done so I can fool myself into thinking I have accomplished something. But it seems like too much trouble. Do you write lists? Do you actually know where those lists are when you want them?
I loved looking at the pictures of Susie Monday's clean studio. Mine has been neat many times - for about five minutes each time. I don't have pictures of my studio (thank goodness) but here are a few I took last week when I went into the city to meet Joanie and Jette. As always, I am a sucker for urban grit.

Have the wild turkeys all left Kentucky and spread out on both coasts? There are too many of them out here in the Golden State also.
Love the tile!
turkey is great for Thanksgiving!
the back splash is just beautiful! Love the kitchen.
Oh yes! Love the backsplash. I always want some warm color around and the tile is gorgeous.
The tile looks terrific. It'll be a great finishing touch to the kitchen.
I remember your stories about the turkey's last summer. I have never encountered a turkey outside my kitchen, in which case I clearly had the upper hand. All we've got in my neighborhood is squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional fox--nothing as exciting as attacking wild turkeys. They must be entertaining if nothing else.
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