Taught my workshop today and had a class full of lovely and delightful students who worked in layers: image transfer, rubbings, stamping, and other surface design techniques that some of them had not done before. 'Twas fun. But then there was the drive home...
Anyway, I'm here and I see that while I was away my azeleas began to bloom and my midget Japanese Maple tree has spread its leaves. The ferns are coming up, along with some of the other things whose names I can't remember. yay. Things look a bit skimpy toward the front, under the tree, but I'll have to see what I can do about it one of these days. (While I am writing this, waiting for Marty to get home so we can eat our deli sandwiches, somebody outside is grilling steak and it is wafting through my open window. Yum.

Hi Rayna, I hate to hear that you were not up to snuff (wonder where that saying comes from) but am relieved to know you're on the up swing...you are your bestest thing, so do take the best care of yourself ;)
Wondered where you were Rayna and glad you are feeling better. I think allergies down this way are knocking out a lot of my energy. Take care and see you in the "virtual" studio.
To be politically correct I believe the maples you talk about prefer the term 'Little Japanese Maple' instead of 'midget' or 'dwarf'. But I don't know from personal experience, you will have to ask them...
This tree takes it all with good humor, since it is my friend. Maybe "infant" would be a better term, since the damn tree will never grow up.
So glad you are feeling better Rayna. yes, I have missed you, and blogger doesn't always seem to notify me when you have blogged....and I sometimes need a subtle reminder to check! LOL I've just posted pics of our finished kitchen (well, no paint yet, but that can wait a while: I need to really live in the space first) so hope you'll take a peek when you have a spare minute.
Yes, I had noticed your absence, but I figured it was a heavy teaching schedule or perhaps another book (LOL!). I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend and already feeling better.
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