...are such a part of our lives as artists that we don't think about them till all of a sudden, we SEE. This morning, as I got out my bag of Gorilla coffee (see yesterday's post) I was stunned at what hit me! I had taken back the tile sample but when I saw the package, it made me smile. Coincidence? Or one of those environmental influences that sneaks up on us when we are not looking? 

Now I wonder whether my soapstone choice was influenced by the previous color of my kitchen walls.
We all know how much our surroundings (color, light, weather) influence our work: Jette Clover told me that when she moved from the Netherlands to Florida her palette became much more vivid. I haven't asked her whether it has changed since she moved to Belgium, but I would not be surprised.
Here are the colors that greeted me when I entered the kitchen this morning (before I took out the coffee- LOL).
And then I looked outside at the deck and saw the palette that influences some of my favorite pieces.

Everything looks so GREEN with the spring rain- but I prefer the colors of autumn. Then again, that takes me full circle to the backsplash...
How do the components of your environment (color, light, weather, geography) influence the color and timbre of your work? Are you always conscious of those influences or do they just happen and then you see them in retrospect?
I've noticed living in ALaska, where so much of the year is a muted palatte of blues, gray, & whites, that the artists that I am most drawn to use vibrant warm colors.
I've also noticed some regional differences in colors & styles, even among quilt groups in Alaska. In Anchorage we are a melting pot of different cultures, with people from all over the world. That's reflected in our art, with diverse colors & styles.
In Girdwood, a small ski community, they seem to be very arsty,vibrant, & "out there".
In Kenai, a more rural laid back cummunity, they tend to be a little more traditional, & their color palatte seems more muted.
BTW,I LOVE the tile sample.
Well, I must say that the warm orange-y red you chose is one of my favorite colors. It is a counterpoint for the deep greens and cloudy blues of Oregon. The house we bought was painted pale clear blue in EVERY SINGLE ROOM. I think these were people who were unaware of their environment or were in some fantasy that they were living in the Caribbean. I am slowly, but surely, banishing that blue and replacing it with warm, earthy hues. I need warmth in this cool setting, but it must be mellow and earthy, not bright and shiny.
I like the bright and shiny, as Terry puts it! My perennial garden at my last house was full of 'bright and shiny' flowers, being my favorite palette, but when we moved here I decided to go with the cooler pinks, blues and lavenders, just for a change. My comfort zone lies with the former. I am, however, heavily influenced by my mother's colors in that I do so much for her: so cool blues and greens are constantly creeping into my work!
I'm in heaven on earth this time of year with the chartreusey leaves popping out on the trees and I can hardly wait for the black eyed susans to arrive!
Have a great trip to Portland!
What an interesting post, Rayna! I have noticed for a very long time that whenever I am in a fabric store, I am drawn primarily to the color I am wearing. And since I wear all different colors, I imagine there is some subliminal influence happening there!
I'm still trying to figure my colour preferences. I sorted fabric this week and I have a lot of blues, greens, browns and greys and very little reds, purples, yellows and oranges. The art that touches me most is art that works the hell out of the values of a few colours versus working all over the colour wheel.
I have noticed since living on a small island (the uk being a larger island) I use horizontal shapes more often without realising it, I love blues, purples and blacks which are island/ocean colours but so are autumnal colours rust, burnt orange, yellow and yellow greens and they have crept into work,
Terry I would love a house with pale bule walls ~ blue = home loving and true,
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