My feet need to soak in a hot bath, but there isn't one here. Walked the convention center floor today and saw the new fabrics at lots of booths, noticed that the batting companies are using bamboo and corn to replace polyester, and that aprons are coming back into style. After a while, all those brown country things blend into one blur and you wonder why anybody wants to buy them. Then you notice that the booths are crowded with shop owners. The convention center is very lovely. Jane Davila and I noticed this group on our way out of the center tonight - all dressed the same way,wearing signes on their backs. When I asked if I could get a closer picture, they asked whether I wanted them to pose "en groupe." How nice of them. But I declined. As I got closer, I saw what the signs said. The young woman in the back had a sign that said "quilter in training." It turned out that these were uniforms for people who all worked in the same fabric store. They don't wear them to work but instead, to "events." Hmmm.So Jane and I went to dinner. All the restaurants in Portland seemed to have broken air conditioning systems, as does my hotel. It is 80 degrees in my room: the window is open and the management sent in a fan. My husband says it is 55 degrees and pouring rain in NJ so I guess I should not complain. Then again, he does not need air conditioning for that weather.On the way back from dinner, we stopped to look at this street sculpture - an actual tree. Here is a detail. We attempted to take our own pictures, but they were so horrible we deleted them. Then a passerby offered to take them for us. Still not great, but here we are. Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:30 to be at work, so I am going to sign off now.
Isn't that tree amazing? After we parted yesterday I thought I should have given you some advice about things to see, places to eat, etc. while you are in Portland, but really it is hard to go too far wrong here. Your hotel is in a great location for getting around and discovering public art and good food.
Sure enjoyed our breakfast and getting to meet you! I hope book sales are great and you make lots of excellent connections at the market.
Isn't that tree amazing? After we parted yesterday I thought I should have given you some advice about things to see, places to eat, etc. while you are in Portland, but really it is hard to go too far wrong here. Your hotel is in a great location for getting around and discovering public art and good food.
Sure enjoyed our breakfast and getting to meet you! I hope book sales are great and you make lots of excellent connections at the market.
It is only 70 here, but breezy and delightfully sunny! Great discharging weather!
Looks like you are having a fantastic time.
I'll bet your book sales will be incredible!
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