Elles sont partout, et elles sont devenues les neiges d'aujourd'hui.
The snow is everywhere today.
Voilà la famille Bambi (comme on les appelle chez nous) derrière la maison, en mangeant au bord des bois. Il y en avait six ce soir - d'habitude il y en a plus -- des fois, huit. Hier, je les ai vus courant tout ensemble, comme si quelqu'un les chassait.
Here is the Bambi family (as we call them at our house) behind the house, eating at the edge of the woods. There were six tonight - usually there are more -- sometimes, 8. Yesterday I saw them running together as if someone was hunting them.
Ces Bambis mangent tout, ils vous donne Lyme Disease (j'avais cette maladie il y a 10 ans) et à vrai dire, ils sont une nuisance. Mais comme ils sont beaux et gracieux! Mon mari peut passer les heures à les regarder sans s'ennuyer.
These Bambis eat everything, they give you Lyme disease (I had it 10 years ago) and truthfully, they are a nuisance. But they are so beautiful and graceful! My husband can spend hours watching them without getting bored.
On another subject -- did my horrorscope give me a push this morning? Yes, indeedy! No procrastination in this house! You can tell by the condition of the formerly organized boxes (see, it never lasts long) that I was working all day.
Here's the problem: I got myself involved in a project that requires thinking ahead. Not a good idea. I tried an experiment that turned out to be so butt ugly that I actually laughed out loud. All by myself. Then, I just went back to my usual M.O. and it is turning out much better.
But now the place is a mess again and I am hoping to get out of here tomorrow and spend time with a friend.
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soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

Welcome to the New Jersey stop on the American Made Brand blog tour! Be sure to leave a comment -- you could win a pack of beautiful solid...
You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...
Magnifique cette famille de Bambi, nous avons aussi une famille de chevreuils aux sommets de nos vignes, il fait très froid actuellement et il y a beaucoup de neige, donc il ont faim car chez nous ils ne s'approchent généralement pas de la civilisation. Merci pour votre écriture en français.
Yes, we have this plage in Europe, too; it is not so bad in the North, yet I cover myself with mint oil before I go into the forest.
Bambi -- this name comes from Italian for "child" and was used by Felix Salten as the title for his animal novel.
Mess is a somber chapter in my history. Probably because it demands decisions (merci beaucoup, Rayna!)... I admire anyone who is able to fight it successfully. "Before and after"-pictures are my heart's consolation.
I was thinking about planning in art. Funny. The genius is so sensitive, he/she won't forgive a change of the ritual. The same happened to me long ago.
This morning your blog is written in what looks to be French. When I attempt to use Google Translate I can not get English to work.
Though from Dutch to Italian work just fine. Just can not get it to translate to English.
I'll give it a try later in the day - I think Google is having problems this past week.
Am I crazy for wanting to see the butt-ugly piece? LOL
I have no idea what you were saying about the deer but holy cow, what a neat site to see when you look out your windows!
Pour quoi le Francais? Il y a depuis longtemps que j'ai ecrit en ca! C'est tres deficil! And I know my spelling is loused up...in addition to me thinking the Spanish word rather than the French!
Yes, they are pretty to look at in some ELSE's yard. They have even eaten the prickery holly at our house. But, that's what we get for living in their woods. ;^)
You gotta love a jumble of "stuff" at the end of a creative day....but I would like to see the ugly piece.
butt ugly huh? he he, I hardly think so... ;-)
I try not to think to much, it always get me into trouble... ha!
happy day!
I worry about all the animals who need the food buried below the mounds of snow in order to stay alive. Those poor deer.
You do a great job writing French. When/how did you learn the language?
Quel plaisir de vous lire en français. Merci pour ce moment de paix.
i heard somewhere that the deer ticks that cause lime disease usually come from some other creatures and not deer. i don't know if this is true, but it's allowed me to think more kindly about deer, which are beautiful and graceful animals. i admit that i might feel differently if i had to battle them in my garden. :-)
I love the Bambi family that we have living nearby as well, but I agree that they are a nuisance.
I feel so much better about my messy sewing space when I see yours! Misery loves company! lol
Thank you so much for posting a pictures of the disorganization. It makes me feel better knowing I am not alone. I, too, started cleaning and organizing and right now my studio looks worse than before.
I just put your blog site to my blogroll, I pray you would give some thought to returning the favor.
In conclusion , let me thank you for your understanding with my English as (I am certain you have become aware this at this moment ,), English is not my primary language as a result I am utilizing Google Translate to shape out what to compose what I genuinely wish to write .
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