This piece has been sitting on my wall for a few weeks and this afternoon, taking a break from something that required too much concentration, I finally stitched it. It is mounted on black cotton, which you probably won't see because I am going to stretch this piece around a 12" gallery wrapped canvas. I've used them all up so have to go to Jerry's tomorrow and buy more in this size. I have to admit it looks different, stitched. And as I sit in my chair and look at it from across the room I am pleased with it. Not only did it make itself, I was able to use up some of that pink fabric I dislike so much. It conjures up any number of things to me -- but I have to wait till it tells me its name.

Rifling around looking for green fabric, I found this piece which I shall not cut up. Thiox through screens, which took out some - but not all -- of the color underneath. I suspect there was too much turq. in that base color. Needs another layer, but I'm not printing these days. OTOH - I plan to spend a couple of hours in the studio tomorrow, so I will at least take it with me and leave it there till I am ready to deal with it. There are too many other things in line ahead of it.
P.S. - as of my bedtime, only 49 more people to get to the 200,000th. Leave a comment and an e-mail contact just in case it's you.
I like both of these. I wish you used the popup comment thingy. I like to look at what I am commenting on!!
Hope all is well with every one.
I really like the mounted piece. One of the things I love about viewing your artwork is trying to figure out what you used to make the marks. Your artwork just begs the viewer study it for a long time. Pleasant dreams
I'm so pleased you worked on the one I loved!
It looks great!
"A point of balance"!
Can I buy it? Serious! I really do love it!
Sally in Hobart
22 years ago, my job was to convert typeface from graphics into computerized outlines. I worked on typeface which became the basic for the graphics today on screens and computer-based layout. One of these sets of signs was Japanese. I worked on signs much like those on your print. I spent hours correcting the outline to get the perfect image of brushstroke-based calligraphy. When I see the large symbols in this piece, I remember this job and the soin that was required.
Wonderful piece Rayna, I think a piece of art can mean many different things. To me I thought of bushfires, but then there is a big build up here in Victoria as the first anniversary of Black Saturday approaches (I will remember the date as it is my daughter's birthday), and almost everyone here had a connection to someone who lost their life or property.
that pink works great in the piece! Well done! show us again when you have stretched. the green has a really cool feel to it... I haven't printed any fabric... Have fun playing in your studio... I'm off to the natural history museum all day with the B... no sewing for me today.....
I love watching how your pieces take shape. This one was no exception. I would stand in line for it as well.
Darn! Somebody got there ahead of me! I'm 200,004... sigh!
I like the piece you stretched- IMHO, it's the pink that makes it!
It really is pleasing to look at. I went to the De Young Museum yesterday here in CA and so I have lines and shapes on my mind. Your piece adds to some of what I have been thinking about lately so thanks:)
Wonderul piece! 200,000 comments? I just started my blog and I was thrilled with 6 comments! I have a long way to go!
Love the piece you donated. Love checking your blog. All the best!
The thought of answering 200,000 comments is just too much for me! You don't need to enter me in a competition, I'll come back daily anyway! You add so much to my life - thanks for being you. And making great fiber art. Del
200,000 comments are an awful lot of thoughts.
I wonder how many are just one-time commenters.
Really beautiful, Rayna, as always!
Morning, Rayna. I'm still pondering yesterday's post about intuition. I learn so much from your blog. 8^)
Your new piece gives me a chuckle--I say Yea! to pink and Blech! to olive green; but, together they make a super combination. Sometimes you have to have one color for another-funny how that works.
The green piece is the bomb. If you decide you hate it, send it to me.
That length of green fabric is delish.
well, you're past the 200,000th now. Way to go. Hm, I'll have to rethink a pinkish fabric I dyed last spring, cuz as noted, the one you used made this piece.
I don't sketch or plan out an idea and now I know why the piece on my design cork board isn't working; planning doesn't work for me. I run with an idea and that perhaps is intuitive?
This is wonderful.
I really like that last piece of fabric. I wouldn't cut it up either. think of all the uses for it.
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