Today began on a scattered note, indeed. I knew I had to go to the studio but had no clue what I was going to work on since I have several large projects I should be working on. (don't you hate that word "should"?)
I got to the studio after having stopped to buy some of that brown rice green tea and brewed some right away while I cleaned up a little bit and took a deep breath. I stuck the project in process on the wall, finished adding to the length, and got to work on the next step. I was working on three different things at one time and it felt sooo good. But at 2:00, sleet and freezing rain made me think I had better leave for home before the roads iced up. I continued to work on one thing and have been at it all evening.

I may start to like the color pink!
She is precious. Pink has its place!
Enjoy the pink while you can and then it will be purple. Now, at 10, Mia has a more sophisticated color sense. She is beauiful.
Adorable picture, Rayna! My granddaughter is 20 months old and pink is still my least favorite color (putting it mildly.)
Comme elle est mignonne!
Depuis que j'ai une petite-fille, j'adore le rose.
What a beauty, adorable indeed!
this photo brings out such maternal instincts... I just want to put a hat on her and bundle her up tightly in a blanket!
enjoy the new baby smells..
Such sweet baby goodness:)
I hate the word "should" also. I like "could" way better; makes me feel like I have some options at least.
Hey, your tea ritual sounds good-an enforced pause in the day to reflect-hard to hurry up when you have hot liquid in front of you:)
Adorable baby!!
Look at the length of those perfect little fingers. Beautiful!
Emma is a beauty!
If you want to find about self-fulfilling prophecy: Keep the horoscopes without looking at them, then look back later by means of your blog notes, and compare... Of course, this only works for horoscopes made by real astrologers. I did that, and it convinced me there must be some truth in it.
I wanna blow raspberries on her tummy lol.
Hey Rayna, What's not to like about pink? Especially on a pretty baby! Have fun kissin on that baby!
It would appear Emma has been allowed to stay home. She looks perfectly healthy to me! How is your daughter adjusting to the demands of having a new baby at home? I hope Emma sleeps. But unfortunately most first babies don't!
Oh, you lucky, lucky thing! My granddaughter was 20 years old yesterday. Wherever does the time go! Enjoy every lovely little scrap of pink - she'll be grown before you know it!
Congratulations!! Enjoy her..
I'm starting to wonder if I could get more done if I left the house to do it too...hate the word should...grandbaby is beautiful...love the black hair!
Congratulations, she looks like a keepe. What a beauty. I love her dark hair.
Rayna, she will most certainly be a musician or an artist with those beautiful fingers! Where do you find the very apt horoscopes? Glad you were able to get down to work. I was talking about you at a dye day yesterday, your suggestion to cut a 6" strip off your fabrics. People were wondering how to use all their newly dyed fabrics. Not sure how many will do it. You can't make whole cloth quilts out of every piece of cloth you make, can you! I'm rambling. Have fun with pink!
The new baby is just beautiful. Pink is a wonderful color....embrace it.
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