Friday, July 30, 2010

Well, my supply suitcase is almost packed.  I just have to add things to print on and things to print with.  I'm actually going through the supply list and checking things off - and will take less than I normally do because it will be an international flight.  We don't leave for another 10 days but I'm trying to be efficient (probably a mistake).

I don't know where this piece is and don't have time to look for it, but it is another class demo piece I really like.  To me, this proves the benefits of being spontaneous and without preconceived notions of what something will turn out to be. 

There are only a couple of spots left in my master class at FoQ - Printing in Layers, so if you are thinking of signing up, do it quickly!

With all the lively discussion on yesterday's blog, I did indeed turn this piece sideways and here it is, for your viewing (and/or commenting) pleasure.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

any which way that piece looks good..
;-) love the spicy red color in there...

Eva said...

I would like to return to my unprejudiced, abstract view, but I have a rorschach-obsession, I'm afraid...
Now it is a walrus with the profile of Ernest Borgnine ----------
Wish you a good journey!

Nina Marie said...

You know this piece really reminds me of the beauty of building pieces in ruin - it has always fascinated me that materials that have held strong for so long and wore well, would eventually start to decay and gain a new beauty. The contrast of value is just amazing!

Have fun and let us in on the details!

Terry Jarrard-Dimond said...

Your students are in for a treat and I love that you are not waiting until the last minute to pack your supply bag. I like the top version of the composition. Looks great. Have fun.

Sandy said...

The second view, definitely. balanced, landscape-y in a cloud-sort of way. And I don't have the blue class sample, clear my name off the suspect list! (But if I did have it I wouldn't tell ya!)

My problem when I pack way ahead is I forget what I already packed! Make a list of what's in the suitcase already so you don't have to UN and RE pack twenty times.

Diane Wright said...

I'm with Sandy on the second...although the first looks like a satellite view of Africa with the dust storms that come across the Atlantic and the second does remind me of Alfred Hitchcock and his coyly showing up in cameo roles in his productions.

Unknown said...

"Printing in Layers"

Wow, would love to do that.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...