I really need to finish ironing fabric and packing supplies for the gelatin printing workshop I'm teaching tomorrow. Went to the podiatrist today for a problem with my foot which turned out to be a pinched nerve caused by a bone spur. Not bad enough, but he gave me an injection in the bottom of the selfsame bad spot on the foot. Teaching requires standing. Uh oh. Maybe not tomorrow.
Friday, November 18, 2005
I'm losing it
Is is creeping old age or just fatigue? I seem to think I had a alot to talk about yesterday but was too tired to post. Do you think I can remember what pearls of wisdom they were? No-oo.
I spent the entire day yesterday revamping my website Studio 78 and am glad it is finished. But I need you to let me know whether you think the black background makes it too difficult to read/look at or whether it's ok. I've resisted black backgrounds because I think they are tough on the eyes, but I must admit they make the work pop. And I've redone the workshop page. So, opinions please, dear friends.
Went to the opening of Quilts for Art Sake IV tonight. I didn't enter this year but I've been juried into previous shows. My friends and Studio Six compatriots Joanie SanChirico,Judy Langille, Rachel Cochran, and Diane Savona had pieces in the show. As did Lori Pelish, Sally Sellers, Marilyn Gillis, Randy Frost, and Ms. Mel's friend Tommy Fitzsimmons. Of course, I forgot my camera.
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soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

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You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...
Rayna, I think the black background looks great. Your work is fantastic. I hope your foot behaves itself!
Rayna, I love black backgrounds and get a little impatient with people who whine about them. The taupe-y, tan-y type makes all the difference--nice and calm on the eyes. I loved looking at your work. It is really wonderful and really speaks to me. What a nice treat to find tonight.
What are you doing up so late, Terry? In fact, what am I doing up so late?? Thanks for your comments. And you, too, Vikki. I suspect my foot will behave itself if I get off of it and go to bed.
Hey, I'm in the Pacific Time Zone--it's primetime here! But, Rayna, you definitely need to go to bed.
I like the black too. It adds a lot of class to the web site. Using gray for the schedule page is a nice break, but I do miss the black. I wish I lived closer (I'm in Germany) because I'd LOVE to take your gelatin print class.
P.S. My son likes the car quilt you have with the "Jump Starting The Art Quilt" class ;-)
Rayna the black is good! Feel for you about the foot as I've just had an injection in the sole of my foot for bruised ligaments and the cure is worse than the problem! You have my every sympathy as I know what its like teaching in these circumstances. I had to have three days off, doctor's orders, before I could put any pressure on it. And I'm still struggling! Though it is improving.
Its really the choice of typeface that makes reading against a black background difficult. I prefer reading against a black background and yours is very easy to read and the work looks wonderful. I love the quilts in the Urban and Memory galleries the most.
I'm one who sometimes has trouble reading things against a black background, but the type style and color you've used makes it easy to read...no problems.
Looks good!
New website looks good! One of my favorites is Artist's Proof, but like lots of others too. Just added your webiste to my links page.
Some random thoughts on the subject gleamed over that past year fews professionally designing websites at work and having to listen to our Usability Engineers go on and on about what is and isn't usable in a website.
I'm providing the info because I think many people don't know this stuff - not because I think you should change it. You should do as you like, but I think an informed decision is always better than an uninformed one. Type "black background white text web usability" into google to learn more about the topic.
Studies show that people read 10% slower with white on black than the standard of black on white.
Think about driving at night - there is a reason it is more difficult than during the day.
How many museums or galleries have you visited in person where the walls were all painted black because the artwork looks so good on black?
People with astigmatism (aproximately 50% of the population) find it harder to read white text on black than black text on white. Part of this has to do with light levels: with a bright display (white background) the iris closes a bit more, decreasing the effect of the "deformed" lens; with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye.
Lisa,thanks for your input. While I do not know the exact statistics, I am aware of this because I worked in print media for umpteen years. I know that knocked-out type on a black ground was always difficult to read and this is why I have resisted it for so many years. And this is why I have asked for responses. Other than your feedback, which is negative but abstract and not personal, I am still waiting for someone to tell me it is so horrible that they cannot read it and wouldn't visit it again if it were the only website out there.
So, until I hear from a majority that it is the pits, I won't change anything. Statistics are not meaningful to me: personal opinions and reactions are. I am an INFP. The pages with lots of text, as you may have noticed, are on a taupe ground.
Okay - you asked.
I personally took one look at your site and didn't bother reading a single word. I just can't really process the info on the black bkg - for whatever reasons.
I didn't originally post this type of answer because I am very INTJ and statistics have more validity for me :).
And the statistics pretty much indicate that I am not the only one that will have this type of reaction to your new website design. Although being INTJ, I might be the only one willing to tell you, as it definitely has the potential to hurt your feelings to say it.
But all this being said - you made the decision to redesign the site this way knowing the issues. Keep it if you like it - it's your website!!
Yep, I asked. And I'm much happier hearing your personal opinion, which I respect - than a bunch of numbers. So thanks - I suspected that's how you felt and I appreciate your sensitivity. Nope, it doesn't hurt my feelings at all: I asked because I obviously have my own doubts. I will surely, after a while, change it again because I am bored by routine (off the charts P) and because I always want to know "what if?" (off the charts N)
And by the way, I am surrounded by INTJs - I keep marrying them. Hmmm...
Thanks, Lisa:-)
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