I promised not to use the M word - so here is today's list of exciting adventures:
#1: Donned 2 sweatshirts and my fleece-lined clogs and went to my 6 year old grandson's soccer game, which turned out to be flag football. What do I know? My first time at such a game and I didn't understand it any better than when I was in high school watching regular football. I did understand that Josh's team lost. But truthfully, I got a kick out of seeing him play. And you should have seen those first-grade girl cheerleaders!! Rah.
#2: Stopped at the farm and bought hot peppers, apples, butternut squash, and tomatillos.
What kind of dish do you think I can make with this combination of produce?
#3: Folded my husband's laundry and put it in the basket. Now, you have to understand that this is a man who loves to do his own laundry, so he does his and I do mine and never do the twain meet. Or hardly ever. But he was out, doing his good deed for the day: playing bingo with the inmates at the veteran's hospital. So this was MY good deed.
#4: Started doing inventory of the quilt books on the dining table. The neat tall piles are now becoming messy small piles. When I got to 50 books, I stopped because my battery (and my computer's battery) were running out of power. I'm logging everything into Excel and will be able to sort by title or author or category. Isn't this exciting???
#5: Completed two fabric postcards, including one from the faucets I printed yesterday. There is some gold paint on there but it doesn't really show up in the photo.

#6: checked my 2006 calendar for conflicts. Seems ok. So for #7, I am going to bed.
Thank you for a brilliant idea! Now that I have a laptop I can take it upstairs to my bookcases and make a catalogue of all my books in Access. Now why didn't I think of that before? Thank you again!
How did I live without a laptop?
Back in my married days I never did my husband's laundry either. I've never met anyone else that did it this way - very cool. I figured I didn't get his clothes dirty so I didn't ever feel a need to get them back clean again.
Love that idea! Since I have to reorganize my studio for selling the house - I can wste a lot of time excelling my books!! Reminds me that I also want to do some new screens.
love the HOT postcard1
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