Diane Savona, Cathy Kleeman, Judy Langille at Chez GillmanNo, I haven't abandoned you. I've been so busy with my wonderful houseguests Helene Davis and Linda Colsh (yes, Lisa Procrastionator, I did say 'hello' for you) that I have barely had time to read my e-mail, let alone post to my blog. I have missed you all - but I'm catching up tonight. Last Thurs, Studio Six and guests met at my house and it was a fabulous day!! Here are Diane, Cathy, and Judy, looking very serious between laughs! And here are some pictures a few of the the regulars. Joanie couldn't come, Joan Dreyer was stitching on one of her vessels but I didn't get a picture, and I was too busy with the camera and playing hostess.
Diane Savona and one of her latest pieces.
Rachel Cochran & "Blueprint" - almost done
Judy Langille & Torn Forms #?
Then, there were the guests! Helene brought her gorgeous hand-dyed fabrics, which went like hotcakes. We were all spoiled when Helene lived her because she brought fabrics to every meeting and we could stock up every time. Here's just one yummy piece that was sold before I could grab it.
Because Helene and Linda were here for a special visit, we invited their good friends as special guests - and it was great! Here is Cathy Kleeman, who drove up from Maryland for the event and stayed over at my house on Thursday night to spend extra time with Linda.
Cathy Kleeman with "Hardware"
Then we have the multi-talented Randy Keenan, who is not only a fiber and book artist, but an extraordinary gardener. Here she is,explaining how she does her fabric collages.
And here is a better look at another.

Below, Helene and Rachel are obviously captivated by something or someone.
Maybe it was Helene's co-guest-of-honor, Linda Colsh, who came all the way from Brussels for the opening of the juried SAQA exhibit at the NoHo Gallery in New York City. Her piece, Mole & Henge, was on the postcard and in the ads which appeared in Art & Antiques magazine, as well as American Craft and others. Here she is showing us one of her to-die-for small pieces.
Linda owns my piece, Urban Renewal, which she purchased some years ago - and I am honored to be in her collection. As of this weekend, I now own one of her pieces, which joins work by Laura Cater-Woods, Nikki Bonnet, Helene Davis, Claire Fenton, Jette Clover, and Marlene Cohen.
I still have to take a picture of the new piece, which I will post in next entry. For now, this is probably enough for you to read at one sitting.
Wow! how fabulous of a time you must have had seeing this entry as a snippet of your time together!
Thanks for sharing. I like all the pieces especially the one by Diana Savona. Is this for a specific show? What good friends and good times you have!
Wow! That's a lot of talent all in one room. Must've been great fun. Thanks for sharing.
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