- Draw at least once a week, no matter what.
- Finish you-know-what and get it out by March.
- Tie up loose ends for 2007 and hound those people who haven't sent back contracts.
- Try working more abstractly.
- Finish quilting those 3 pieces sitting in the studio by March.
- Walk 5 mornings a week unless it is raining or snowing or icy.
- Make sure 3 days a week are for you: - 1 day for the soul and 2 in the studio.
- Don't answer the phone on those 3 days, no matter what.
- Enter at least 4 juried exhibits in 2006.
- Order new postcards by February.
Last week was a hectic one. We had plumbing problems, a house full of family staying for several days, 20 people for latkes on Friday night (my house still smells like fried potatoes, 3 days after the fact) and a full weekend of celebrating the new year. We stayed up till 2:am drinking vintage champagne and eating Haagen Dazs and then slept over in NY. Came home yesterday and attended two parties. The most socializing we've done in ages and it was lovely. I walked this morning and spent the rest of the day at my computer, trying to get jpgs onto a CD so they looked decent enough to send off to a juried exhibit. Then spent an hour writing an artist's statement to go with the CD. Pig in a poke. We'll see what happens.
Finally, I drew the view from my studio window. Well, part of the view, anyway. I cropped out the part of the car in the next-door driveway, which somehow came out looking like part of a toy Volkswagon even though it is a normal sized car of some other sort. I am starting to have some fun with this drawing thing and need keep at it - although I think every day is a bit much for me. But again, we'll see.
Hope you are writing down your art goals for the year, too.
Rayna - why are you making working more abstractly one of your goals? I think your work is you just the way it is now and if you eliminate the realism it will loose a lot of its meaning and appeal. You already combine abstract and realistic imagery to such a pleasing result I would hate to see that lost!
GOOD for you for writing your goals and getting it off to a sketching start! Love the tree!
I like the drawings Rayna, the ability to edit is what I like about drawing although I know it can be done with photos easily now,
i have been thinking about the year spread out ahead too, like you, getting out for a walk would be good,
good luck with the CD hope your accepted
Yeah you did a tree...tell that art teacher to well you know ...tell her that you CAN draw a tree....:>
Rayna, I love your list! it terrify's me to think perhaps I should have been more realistic than committing to a sketch a day. Mind you I didn't set out any amazing goals for larger projects as you have. Good luck on all your endevors.
great goals!!! The one that made me smile was the walking 5 mornings a week unless it's raining or snowing or icy..... that's the one I really try to do, but the rain and the wind gets me, so so far I'm staying in, nice and cosy and getting NO exercise!! The weather really is not very obliging is it?!! LOL
Happy New year, and hope you manage to keep to your goals.... they make an impressive list!
Rayna: Thanks for lots of laughs over the last year, as well as inspiration! I see you are starting the new year with more!!
nice sketch. I still haven't set any real goals yet. I'm just procrastinating and not wanting to really think about it too much.
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