Well, I spent more time picking out stitches than putting 'em in. I intensely dislike this part of the work but don't feel I have a choice about doing it. I always put it off as long as possible. This is a whole cloth piece. Last week, my crit group all had suggestions about how I should quilt it. I don't remember what they were, but I'm doing what comes naturally. (should I be singing this?). Here are a few bits. The problem is, I don't know how to make my digital camera get close-ups that are sharp so you can see the stitching. On the other hand, maybe it is better that way.

Almost midnight. Tomorrow I have my five year checkup so I had better get a good night's sleep.
Have you thought of working from the back? If your backing is plain it is easier to see a 'pattern' and easier to sew too. Something that works with the overall concept. Just a thought. For example I like to do leaves over everything. But then I'm into leaves at the moment!
You're not doing too bad with your camera. You can see the tulle on the surface. But many digitals also have a close up feature that is pretty well never used, ... until we take photo of quilt stitching and flower close ups. In fact, for many camera's the button to push uses a flower as it's symbol.
I pushed the close-up button, Julie but this time it wasn't great. And - LOL - there is no tulle on the surface. Maybe the lens is dusty.
Valeri - never thought about doing that - but it is an interesting concept. I may try it one day.
Well, my eyes aren't the best anyway so....I find it helps to shine light on the piece from an angle. Do you have macro ability with your camera?
>Walk 5 mornings a week unless it is raining or snowing or icy.<
I want to do this too...I have lost 10 pounds and my lab numbers are looking good enough that the doctor doesn't want to see me back until July BUT he wants me to exercise 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. Well, walking is about all I can do BUT it has been raining every day for the last 3 weeks...it's hard enough to take the dog for his walks. So, now am looking at an Elliptical.....
Rayna: I LOVE these spiral prints! The colors are so bright and the shapes are fun and warm!
As usual, your quilts are fun and exciting use of color. Keep 'em coming.
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