Yesterday's postcard workshop at Gilda's Club was great, although the turnout was smaller than expected because several of the women who had signed up did not feel well enough to come.
Most of them are cancer survivors but because Gilda's Club also provides a haven and support for families, one woman who was in the class has a daughter who had a rare type of cancer but who is doing fine after a stem cell transplant. Let's hear it for stem cell research!!!!
I brought fabric and trimmings from home, as well as irons, cutting mats, rotary cutters, and Misty-fuse. It was the first time I had used it and it worked very nicely. We even used it to fuse rickrack! I also brought one sewing machine, which a couple of the women had a chance to use. Most of them were planning to finish their cards at home. I was so busy with my demo and with helping them fuse that I didn't remember to take a lot of pictures. But here are two of them.
All in all, a very rewarding experience for me and a happy one for the women in the group. They were very enthusiastic about the postcards and one woman even suggested that these would make great bookmarks if you sliced them the long way into thirds. Hmmm... what a nifty little gift idea.
I spent the rest of yesterday with a kitchen cabinet guy, who was trying to prevent me from fainting dead away at the nightmare cost of a dream kitchen. So, I shall keep dreaming for the time being. But I might get a new stove - LOL.
Yes, go for thenew stove - for sure. You will love it!! Then you can use the parts from the old stove todo gelatin prints!!
hahahaha - good thinking, Gerrie!
GOREGEOUS cards!!!!
I say go for a new stove also. Get one of the smooth top ranges they are great, it's what I have. Sounds like the guild group enjoyed working with you.
Fun. I like the bookmark idea too.
Good luck with the kitchen, I know what you mean. Mine is waiting because of the cost, but I did get the dishwasher of my dreams with last year's tax return. My cabinets can wait for years. My 1930's antique gas range comes out of storage soon. I'll post when it's in.
Rayna, for some strabge reason my emailo won't mail today,grrr, but I'd love to discuss the Art & Fear books as well as kitchen remodeling!!
& Whisper is a cellophane type of material that I get at Michael's. Its intended use is for big bows for plants & Easter baskets, but I like it's iridescence so I've been using it in fiber art that won't be washed.
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