Back to my messy studio, which is the same disaster area it was on Saturday when I left. Did I actually expect that the good fairies would arrive and sprinkle magic cleanup dust around while I was gone? Yep. Just like I hope that the next time I open the fridge that something wonderful to eat will be there that was not there 5 minutes earlier.
Just as I was feeling the letdown of being home, Diane Wright's e-mail with jpg arrived to cheer me up. (Diane and Vivika DeNegre are the program co-chairs for Shoreline Guild and they are both dynamos). By the time I had arrived home this afternoon, Diane had totally finished a piece incorporating some of the wonderful fabric she had block printed with trees she carved on Sunday. I wish I had carved that block. It's called "Whistling Past the Graveyard" and it is 23"x30". Diane, you're a whiz kid!
This morning, before I left Guilford, we went over to see the Guilford Art Center. What a place! There was an exhibit of the most amazing puppets you have ever seen - some very dark and bizarre, others very clever and funy. If you live within an hour of Guilford, CT, it is worth a drive to see the exhibit, Art in Motion -- and to visit their shop which has the most elegant and beautiful crafts I have seen gathered in one place. Click on the link and you'll get to their virtual galleries. Yum.
Well, I just unearthed my April/May issue of FiberArts magazine, which was so buried that I did not think I had received it. I had better go read it before I lose it again. I can clean up tomorrow...
Love Diane's piece! I also enjoyed the photos of the way people used "that" fabric in your workshop.
WoW! your workshops seem superb and tons of fun! The Carnegie Art Network of ArtQuilters meets this month. I'm going to throw it out on the table to see if there is enough committment to bring you to this area.
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