This was a nonstop day, from the time I left at 7:40 this morning, stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to pick up a cup of coffee for my daughter, applauded Josh in the 2nd grade's annual performance, did 20 errands, grabbed lunch, packed the car, schlepped stuff upstairs, arranged the shelves, printed a piece of fabric (yay), went to the hospital to check on my mother, and got home, I could NOT move. We went around the corner to the Japanese restaurant and a meal of soba noodle soup. Heavenly comfort food, of which I did not take a picture. My legs (and heart) are getting a workout and I suppose by the time I am finished dragging bags and crates and tables and chairs and you-name-it, up a very steep flight of stairs(the ceilings in this industrial building are 14') I will be either dead or in great shape. Or both.
Can I tell you what an effort it is to be neat? I think this is a big part of my exhaustion. Ms. Closet, I don't know how you do it. Anyway, this is how I left the place today. The shelves are partly stocked with paints, fabrics, and miscellany. I brought in the round bridge table and a portable printing surface (now doubling as a drying rack) so I could at least do SOMETHING till my big tables get here. Now it probably won't be till over the weekend. Meantime, here is my little bit of printed cloth, drying on the temporary print surface/design wall. I won't get to HD for the pink foam board till later this week - or even next wk. I'll make do.Thanks for all your comments yesterday. Like LizzieB, I know how much it means to have comments on my blog.
Anonymous, thanks for your psychic info. I still can't find it but I can remember plunking it down on a horizontal surface.
Martha - I have stopped looking for now. In the meantime, it is probably with the hammer a neighbor borrowed in 1968 from my ex-h and me. Maybe your keys and glasses are there, too. Gerrie, I did buy a new CF card today - so does that guarantee I'll find the other one? I'm not opening the new one yet...I did reformat my 256k one and am using that for the moment. U are undoubtedly right - I won't find the old one till I use the new one. Bah. LizzieB - you're experiencing the outside studio thing now, you lucky woman! I've been reading and reading and getting greener and greener.
Linda - but you're in Western Ave. Studios with all that activity! I will keep you posted on Lowell dates.
Judy & Karoda - I am not a red person but this was absolutely a physical need. Crazy, huh? The menu at that place is to die for -- I plan to work my way through it this winter. Everybody - thanks for the wishes about my mother. Spoke to the doctor tonight - and the saga continues. We all get there sooner or later.
Hi R
I am so jealous-an art space where all you have to do is your work.
You seem to balance your daughter responsibilities with your own needs.
Happy working!
sunny Venice Fl
It's a lot of work to get it set up but you are going to have a wonderful work space!
oh so neat and that really YOU????? LOL
Yes, but Lowell is 30 minutes away at 60 miles an hour, and I *have* to tidy up after I use it, 'cause 7 other folks will need the same space. But hey, it's great anyway.
All the best with mom issues, too. The good and the hard travel hand in hand, it seems.
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