This is soy wax and discharge paste after I had steam-ironed it. Interesting, huh? However, after a while, even with the window open and two fans going, I had had it with the smell of discharge paste. So I put the silk away and will steam it in a pot tonight or later this afternoon.
This piece needs so much work to make it into anything attractive that I'm not sure it is worth the effort. That will not prevent me from trying, however. I have a piece of white silk I may work with after I finish my lunchtime coffee. Or not.
I want to thank you for providing entertainment for me as I sit by Mom's bedside!
Your pieces in your posts over the past few days have been lovely. I think they are all wonderful! I spent about a half hour checking out the three versions of the pieced stuff from a few days back, and just as I was about to write you a critique, the Doc walked in...so you were saved! LOL
I love the discharged pieces. Someday soon I'll have a chance to play again...I just know it!!!
Rayna - if that piece is going to cause you too much grief please let me give it a good home :}- it's great.
I think that piece is just wonderful and I'm sure it can be put to good use. It's so very unusual.
I think this piece is very interesting. I know I could do something with it!!
This is a beautiful piece, Rayna. I think it's worth working on.
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