A shade of blue not found in nature. The symmetry of this fence.
The Chambers St. Subway station.
All the eyes were different. Here are a couple more.
We walked through the station to catch the PATH back to our hotel. When we got to the World Trade Center I had to photograph these for you.
I would have known this floor anywhere - without the sign.
There were at least two weddings at the hotel today. Patel & Patel started early this morning with 450 invited guests. They were married on the pier behind the hotel and I did not take pictures of the gorgeously sari'd women. Tonight, when we got back at 11:pm the wedding was still going and I did get a shot of two guests who had come out for a breath of fresh air. The women were magnificent.
When we came upstairs, we found this note from the hotel.
How considerate. But it is quiet and I am going to bed.
Lovely pix1 And sounds like you had a great time.
Nothing like a trip to NY. Sounds like great fun. I miss all the galleries. I love the eyes in the subway and the bike shadow. Good eye.
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