Sunday, June 24, 2007

point of view

Yesterday, Marty and I went to an exhibit of photographs at the NY Public Library. These photos, culled from exhibits held at the Midtown Y from 1972-1996, were works of art - primarily in black and white. Gritty urban scenes, family portraits, empty rooms that told stories; people doing ordinary things - a wide range of subjects, all of which spoke eloquently. Off in an alcove, they were showing the slides that had been submitted by the artists, from which they had been juried into the various exhibits represented. I was struck by the fact that each artist had an unmistakable point of view that came through in the five slides each had submitted. Point of view: a way of seeing and a way of expressing what you see. Strong, individual, and essential. Do you have a point of view? do I? I need to ponder this.


Sonji Hunt said...

I know that I have a serious point of view. Sometimes it stiffles me and I have to struggle to enlarge the facets of it in order not to get stuck in a rut. The better aspects of my visual viewpoint would be that I appreciate details from a distance and I search out the unusual. Some people have a safe point of view, so I have come to recognize that mine isn't as safe as others.

Deb Lacativa said...

You certainly do. I've heard other people call it "Voice". There's no mistaking your work for anyone else's.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...