Tomorrow, the electrical work and the plumbing and Monday, if we are lucky, James the floor guy will be available to come and lay the oak boards.
Judy Carpenter managed to get some artwork done today: I took refuge in the basement and printed a few pieces of fabric which I will feel better about if I DO something with them.
Ann Morrell was my 100,000th blog reader. Congratulations, Ann! Watch your mail sometime next week.
The taped outline is the foot print for your island, isn't it? The working surface will hang over that, right? Remodeling is so disruptive and nerve racking. I wish you well.
When we put on an addition to our house, my husband made us go out in the dark and measure the hole they had dug for the crawl space. He was convinced it was too small. It wasn't, it's all a lesson in perception and perspective. The island will be fine. Really.
If you really want to cover the stain you can buy this stuff called KILZ that you paint over the stain then latex over that. Or not.
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