A young couple who just moved from NYC to the next town is coming to get the dishwasher on Saturday. Their house is not equipped with one, so they are thrilled that they will have a working dw without having to make decisions.
I am giving it away.
I'll be taking pix as the contractors go along, so you can expect to see the surgery as it happens. Between Rosemary, who just finished hers and Judy, who is in process, I've got plenty of company. Stay tuned.
Hey, that looks like my kitchen. Oh, yeah, when we first moved in, I thought 80's. But now I know better than to try to remodel a kitchen in house we're living in, could lead to near divorce, so I'll just have to live with the 80's. Lucky you -- you're going to move into the next century, yay! It will be fun to see it in progress.
When we did our kitchen (in the old house a few years ago) we realized that moving a mini fridge to the bedroom and cooking off the microwave got old very fast. Though it was nice to have the coffee maker so close. Good luck and dont eat too many pizzas. (as if there were such a thing). Susie
It's about 8 AM and I just sat down at my desk. Forget the e-mail. I'm checking your blog first. I looked at the "before" picture of the kitchen, instantly thought it was the "after" picture, and in a fleeting moment of panic thought, "Damn, it looks just like the old kitchen." I really should have tried to get a bit more coffee in my system before turning on the computer.
Good luck with the demo and construction. Can't wait to see the during and after shots.
Whoa, haven't I seen that kitchen somewhere else this morning? On Judy's blog! You guys have the same kitchen! http://judyinthedyes.blogspot.com/
But not for long. Can't wait to see what you do.
We are in the home stretch on ours. The much discussed and pondered faucett was hooked up yesterday, along with the fridge, dishwasher,garbage disposal,range and instant hot water thingie. It is almost functional!
Those cabinets look just like the ones in my kitchen! And yes, I'm so aware that they are dated. But I figure if there's a demolition in the kitchen, it may as well be the entire tiny house! I could use a new house (quilting studio of primary importance!).
Best wishes for the remodeling!
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