Next stop, heading for my neighbor's lawn. There is a sixth one over to the left that you can't see.
Looking for worms? Who knows? Yeccch - disgusting creatures who shortly after this, turned tail and headed off into somebody else's backyard. 
Cheesh - you might mistake this for the middle of nowhere instead of the most densely populated county in the most densely populated state in the U.S.

wow Rayna what the heck were they doing in the city? bizarre
They seem to live here. Some animal rights people decided that they were extinct in NJ and imported them from who knows where?
They are all over the place. We have woods behind our condo and they live there. It is dinner time and I just heard them yakking. They are nasty. They bite. They chase you away. Scary.
It is the mating season!! We had them all around our house in CA, but no turkeys here, except maybe the guy next door!!
Rayno, it could be worse. In Lawrenceville a tribe of peacocks have the run of the woods surround the municiple building complex. Have you ever heard them scream? At least you could eat a turkey.
But Rayna - they eat ticks so consider it a way to keep Lyme disease at bay.
We have them too, but Tom feeds them to keep them patroling the grounds.
Well, Deirdre - live and learn. There are plenty of deer in the woods behind our house and I have had Lyme, so thanks for the info.
Deb -- EAT turkey? Eeeew. Once a year if I am absolutely forced to.
What a treat!!! I would love to have seen them...but NOT in my garden!!!
Ohmigoodness! The Flock is just absurd! LOL.
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