Thursday, January 04, 2007

another blog???

Yep. I've joined the ranks of artists who have a blog with work for sale. And it's a good excuse to try out the new blogger without migrating this one yet. So, check it out and I'll remind you every time I post pieces on SALE -- which many of them will be. Studio clearance will be ongoing till I'm settled in my new studio space. Can't take it with you reap the benefits.


Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled to think I might buy stuff from you; I hope you post some fabric bits that you've worked on but don't want (is there such a thing?)

The links under "About me" on the new blog don't work yet. Good luck with the new software.

Rayna said...

Yes, Linda, I'll get to the bits of fabric, as well as the small pieces and who-knows what else? I'll keep you posted.

I know the links don't work - this is why I am experimenting with the new Blogger instead of just moving my blog over entirely. Gulp. There are still bugs afoot in that program.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...