You haven't heard from me lately because I have been knee-deep in garbage. Have filled 4 or 5 of those big, black trash bags from my lower-level studio, as I neaten it and fill moving cartons with paints, screens, and etching press. It is bearable now, although far from finished. I'm waiting for Staples to deliver some stackable crates and casters (Thursday) so I can sort out more STUFF and get it organized. In the meantime, I was planning on doing the same with my upstairs studio.
However, it is too horrible to contemplate, even for me. And I can't possibly start till I re-read this book, to which I have alluded before on this blog. Clear my clutter is what I am attempting to do. I am trying to figure out why it is so difficult for me to throw things away - but I should stop thinking and start throwing. Not tonight. In fact, I believe this is even too big a job for Ms. Closet to tackle. She would turn and run if she were in this space. Fortunately for her, she is otherwise occupied this week. I have to do it alone.

Meantime, LizzieB has been productive and having a wonderful time, and I am intensely green. I have not been near my design wall - but fortunately, I had a chance to print some fabric as a demo when I was in Santa Barbara. I am finally unpacking the carton I shipped home and it was fun to take a fresh look at this screenprinted cloth. Here is part of it.

And tomorrow, I may just stop by and check out the new space. Or maybe I should stay here and pack up the old space...
I think you have some competition when it comes to clutter! I, too, have thrown and sorted, and thrown and sorted--even did my room at school. I love the piece from CA. I like both the red and the diagonal lines. It is you, but a little different.
Bonne chance with the move!
Diane in PA
Stay with it - it will be worth it in the end! I did this very exercise 2 years ago. I took EVERYTHING out of my 14 x 17 sewing room and proceeded to sort through all of it. I totally redesigned the space in the room and I can't tell you how much more productive and happy I am in that room now. It was worth every minute of the work to get a wonderful and inspiring work space. You will be glad you did too!
I find it easier to throw things away if I donate them to a thrift shop. THat way I don't feel like I am wasting them. Some person will be happy to get them. The only problem is that I find something to bring home every time I enter one of those stores, so I have to put things in the donation box and run!
The "problem" with being an artist is seeing the possibility in everything. You KNOW that anything might come in handy.
I just donated 4 bags of fabric and yards of trim, as well as an old sewing machine, to the local children's theater. Now at least I know the gold lame and the olive fringe will get used.
And I am blaming you for my new fetish of saving found objects as possible printing objects. Someday, my kids will come in and fill the basement with concrete.
Gerrie, it is a sickness. It's okay - I'm used to people blaming me for something. LOL.
I'm avoiding the studio clean up now-- by posting on your blog. I was okay with needing to do some sorting, straightening.... but then Vicki said she took everything out of her studio and organized as she put stuff back in. I felt a mild panic attack coming on... Now I need to recuperate from the shock of considering (for a fraction of a second) moving ALL my junk... :)
Oww, I've been trying to do this too, over the last couple of days. Why is it so impossible to throw stuff out?!! I'm sure the result will be more productivity but.... good luck with yours!
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