Since I can't get to my studio till Marty goes back to work, and since I have disdismantled the downstairs print alcove, I am now printing on the kitchen table with a portable print surface.

Notice the Surface Design Newsletter on the table (along with today's papers - now you know what the Gillman kitchen table really looks like). I promise myself I will read this SDA pub before I go to bed tonight. Speaking of surface design - don't forget, if you are a surface design person who prints lengths of cloth, you may be a candidate for membership in the Art Cloth Network, which has some openings for new members this year. Application deadline is Feb. 15, so if you are interested in applying for membership in this terrific group, go to the website and click on "Join ACN" to download the application materials.
Finally, to answer a few comments from yesterday's blog:
Gerrie - I have been keeping strange hours and sleeping in till 11 the last few mornings. What a waste of time! And our kitchen hasn't started yet but our Caldera gas cooktop (made in Vermont) is being delivered tomorrow and will sit in the great room room for god-knows how long.
Linda - this is one piece of fabric that I haven't cut yet - so we'll see where it goes from here and how it gets rearranged.
Pam - I see the woods from the sliding glass doors in my kitchen, right beyond the chairs in the photo above. They are my joy, no matter what the season or the weather. What are not joyful are the huge, terrifying wild turkeys that live there. I counted 16 of them yesterday, 8 of which were under my deck at the sliding glass door on the lower level, and one of which was FLYING right outside the deck. Scary. But I love the woods anyway, despite the turkeys and the deer.
Back to the kitchen table.
Wow your show looks wonderful! I think it must be nice to be in a two-person show, kind of like comradeship, but not too crowded.
I think trees are so comforting, when I've traveled to other climates, I notice I feel a sigh of relief when I get back to the trees that I was born around.
Maybe you could get some peacocks to inhabit your woods, They are curious to look in windows and beautiful to watch! But I think they make ugly noises, they were ourside the gallery where I set up a show once.
The show looks great. Looks like a wonderful space. I wish I could come to NJ for the ArtCloth gathering but I don't think it fits my schedule unless I can bring the spouser.
One thing to remember about the turkey's is that they eat ticks which carry terribly diseases (Lyme, Babiosis, etc) Tom encourages them to stay around here, for that reason.
Morgan thinks they are scary, especailly when she is outside in the summer laying on a chair, working on her tan, and she opens her eyes to see the turkey a few feet away. I think they weigh more than she does! LOL
:-D eirdre
your show looks great, very nicely hung and (ofcourse) beautiful work, congratulations,
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