It snowed overnight but turned to rain by 8:30 this morning; a rather gloomy day and perfect for sleeping late and staying in. I did both. In the spirit of "do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do," I worked all day and till about midnight on soething I have to do. Then, I spent some time moving those same four pieces around on the wall. You know, the ones that are so minimalist they don't look like me.
his is too controlled and it feels sterile to me, despite the colors. But we shall see what develops.
Meantime, progress report on the plants in the kitchen. My poor avocado was happy until I took its picture. Now it looks like this:
On the other hand, my ginger plants are growing fast and furiously.
Thus reassured that all is right with the world, I can retire for the night.
The colors are fascinating. Does there have to me more than that and a well-balanced composition?
That's some robust-looking ginger! lol
I think the four-block you're working on (not sure what else to call it yet) will want something more, some other element or elements to help unify them (despite their cohesive color palette). They'll tell you what it is when they're ready. ;)
My work has been described as contained chaos. I think you need a bit of chaos in this. LOL
Aren't you going to stamp on these blocks or something?
An avocado plant in New Jersey? I'm impressed!
As for the squares, well, I must confess that I'm used to seeing your work with more visual depth ... but that doesn't mean this is bad. Just different than expected.
I love the colors and the very skinny strips. I'd like to see what you decide on.
I see Thermofax prints on the piece... I like the colors and composition.
Love the avocado and ginger plants. I've tried similar planting attempts in the past which go well until I lose interest.
I got a book at a book sale years ago called "Don't Throw It, Grow It." It's all about growing stuff you have around the kitchen. It includes ginger and avocado. I've tried and got plants from mustard seeds, beans, lentils, and apple seeds. They didn't necessarily last long.
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