She came armed with several candidates and we selected two of them to see whether they were salvageable. One was from 1987. We had a few "what was I thinking???" chuckles and then Rachel got out the rotary cutter and got to work on her gray and gray and gray piece. Actually, there were some tiny pink flowers in one of the fabrics, but who can tell?
Here she is, working on round one.

Grey will be grey, whatever you do with it. Expept overdyeing. Imagine how great this cut-and-resewn piece would look with deep purples and greens instead of the greys.
i did the very thing that you are challenging yourself to do to the second quilt. it was a mystery i tried at a retreat. there were several mistakes and by the time we figured it out i was disgusted and not interested in it any more. severeal years later the very person that designed the mystery was a guest at our guild so i thougt it would be funny to finish the quilt but not in the way she intended. i cut it apart and added some interesting fabrics, or so i thought. when i showed it at show and tell she was not amused at all. i didn't even mention that the mystery had mistakes in it and that was what started me on this reconstructing mission.
Ah, but GREY! What a wonderful thing to work can do so much with it. I love working with Grey--others which can be very dynamic are black and white....and yes, I think you CAN do dynamic things with grey. Can't wait to see what yours comes out like!
to c.c.--some people don't have a sense of humor!
I like the gray withe the brighter colors--nice bit of yin and yang--place to stop and take a rest before viewing the bright.
That will be a fun challenge... the colors are lovely, too.
I actually love grey, for me it was the regularity of the squares that held this back. Also if it is publishable what does UFO stand for in the quilt world?
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