I love this little corner of the printed piece. I bought some notions at an estate sale a few years ago and amongst the stuff was a piece of paper with all this writing - and calculations - on it.
I think somebody was figuring out fabric yardage and how much it would cost to make drapes or some such thing. Far be it from me not to make a screen from this ephemera. Fragments of peoples' lives...
I am so moved by these things.
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I worked at home today and my new/old friend Linda came over to make a Thermofax screen. Then Marty and I went for a walk, during which I observed that many of the trees are bare because of all the rainstorms we have had. This put off the second layer of driveway paving till tomorrow (the rainstorms, not the bare trees).
It has gotten chilly and I have brought in my avocado plant, which does not like it here.It looks ok from a distance but someone is eating the leaves and I can't find out who it is. The last time this happened, I washed the plant with soap and water and it was goodbye plant. Any bright ideas from you green thumbs out there?
I will try to blog tomorrow before Blogger goes blotto in the photo dep't.
You won't starve, you have TAHINI!
On this cool, wet day I went to a Bored mtg in So Orange Co and stopped at the 99Market on the way home to stock up on Miso soup supplies. As you have said, it is great when one is suffering from bronchitis - maybe it will be the cure in the next few days so I won't be sick when I go to the Visions opening this weekend. I've had this too long to be contagious. Wish you were here! D
Thanks for the info on Blogger....
I wonder if this was intentional -- the writing reminds me of notes on a blackboard, back in school. Very inspiring.
I love finding such notes also! I once bought an old treadle machine with all sorts of notes in one of the drawers. I felt like I was stepping back in time and into someone else's life. I hope they know how much I love their treadle...and now I will go look for the cherished notes and start screening them!
Yup: I think that little message from Blogger put you in about the same mood as it did when I read it! How insensitive of him (he's got to be a him!)
Don't know about the avocado. I put one outside in late spring and caught a squirrel going at it. He ripped the plant out of the pot, off of the seed and made off with what I'm sure he thought was the mother-of-all-acorns...
I too find blogs (and peanut butter for that matter) an escape. Its amazing how much I've gleaned from them over the last couple of years. Also my blog is a way to keep me motivated - can't post on my blog unless I've actually done something to post!!
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