Monday, October 11, 2010

writing is a joy

and is much easier for me than visual art.  So why am I not a writer? (rumination for another day)

I am. I was.  For years I made my living as a writer. I could always write well (thanks to my parents, who always said "read it out loud.  If it sounds good, it IS good." (and vice-versa, of course). Over the years, I not only wrote well enough to get a job in publishing, I became a very good editor. This was by virtue of teaching corporate executives and engineers (who couldn't write their way out of a paper bag) how to cut the long, convoluted crap, organize their thoughts, and get to the point.

The two authors of this book, which is coming out in January, sent me their manuscript, which I copy-edited for them.  It is so much easier to do this for somebody else!  Anyway, while I was copy-editing, I was reading for content and there are lots of things those of us who need to market ourselves better should pay attention to.  So, yes, I plan to add this book to my arsenal.

The last five days have been eventful, but nothing you want to know about.  Saturday and today were studio days: dyeing and printing more scarves for Open Studios on Nov. 7.  I soaked a bunch in soda ash and am screenprinting, as threatened, before I dye.  This also means I don't have to put soda ash in the dye paste.  However, I spent untold hours marching back and forth between my studio and the utility sink down the hall, washing out thickened dyes from screens and plastic containers. Waste of time but has to be done.
Yesterday, trek to Brooklyn to visit you-know-who. She has a tooth and is already crawling.(ignore her father's feet).  Jessica and I went to lunch at the delightful Aussie-owned Milk Bar (omg,these guys are so CUTE) and had Sheep Station Pies - one beef and one curried veg and they were both heavenly.

Did you ever hear of thunderstorms in the middle of October? We just had one here. Cats and dogs and  a bowling tournament in the sky, as I write.  The strangest thing: it sounds like summer and is pretty warm out there.

Tomorrow, crit group meeting at Judy Langille's house - so will be out bright and early to drive to Princeton.  I will bring my catalogs from the European Art Quilt exhibits to share, which I forgot to bring last meeting. 

Sorry, nothing art related - but that's the way it goes.


Marianne said...

Trop jolie cette petite Emma elle fait de grands progrès.

Eva said...

Yes, writing is another art of pleasure, and I have done it passionately; but it can't be done in color, that's what puts me off.

Unknown said...

Wow, Emma is crawling! Blink and she'll be graduating college! :D

Enjoy Princeton, it should be spectacular this time of year. Greg and I were just there a little over a week ago (we must always visit his alma mater, no matter where in the state we are) and the leaves were starting to turn. Lovely.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...