Thursday, January 27, 2011

I can see the street

I just can't get to it.  They promised sun, but where is the backhoe? Where are the men with the shovels?  In any case, the thought of cleaning off this car is daunting.  First, the car.  Then, coffee and breakfast.  I do apologize for all these white pictures - I am sure you are as bored as I am with them. But that's the way it is.


Chris said...

Oh I love the white pictures. We don't get snow in Las Vegas, at least not snow that stays on the ground for more than 18 seconds.

Cate Rose said...

Come on out to sunny far-northern California, where the temps have been in the mid-60s and the skies sunny for at least a week. I've already started on late-winter gardening! Sorry about all the white stuff you're having -- you need to take up snow dyeing, Rayna!

Rayna said...

I'll leave snow dyeing to everyone else; you couldn't pay me to do it at this point in my life.

Eva said...

bah, I'd be just as fed up as you are with the white stuff. In old China, white was regarded as the colour of mourning. Yes, I agree. It is monotonous. We haven't had any for weeks, thank heaven. But we certainly won't be spared in the time to come.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...